Tuesday 12 November 2019


I bought some Ecoline markers from Michaels with a 50% off coupon. No regrets! :)

It's been almost two weeks since I've done a "regular life" post. Life has been busy!

Much of our life lately has been revolving around work & Sherlock. I think last time I posted I said Sherlock was on nausea meds from the vet and he was better! Well the next day he took a turn. And overnight Friday night (Nov 1), he was really really sick, and very uncomfortable and in a lot of pain. David slept downstairs with him from 3 onwards. When I got up at 6 Sherlock was having another "episode" of vomiting, and it went on for too long. Finally I said, if this goes on any longer we're taking him to emergency. It went on for a bit longer, and then he just laid down, curled up awkwardly and started whimpering. That was enough for me! Off to doggy emergency with him! David spent most of the day at different vets and appointments, and everyone was taking us quite seriously. It was clear he wasn't well. X-Rays came back clear again, but the ultrasound revealed that his stomach lining was thicker in some spots and very thin in others. The ultrasound tech/vet determined this is likely the cause for his upset stomach and pain. They prescribed us a week of medication to repair his stomach lining. Since then, he hasn't thrown up once, and he has been a different dog. 
He is so much more energetic, playful, feisty, and speedy! For the past while (year maybe? maybe more...), we've been noticing that he was lagging behind on walks. We thought he was just lazy, but after seeing how different he is on these meds we wonder if his stomach has been bothering him that long. Ugh... we feel terrible. He has been off his meds now for 3 full days and so far so good! We're cautiously optimistic. I think Dave is a little traumatized by the day of appointments last Saturday. 

Wait til you see it... Yes, that little face peeking over the arm rest is staring intently and whining at me and interrupting my rare reading time. He wants to play. He hasn't pestered us with this much intensity and persistence in a while, so as annoying as it was, it is so good to see!

We were busy with all of that, but we still had regular life to attend to as well! This is what we've been up to since then :)

Caitlin Wiebe and her family had set up their front yard with a Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire theme. They kept it up for two days after Halloween, so OBVIOUSLY we went down there! Dom was terrified of the dragon (which I apparently neglected to take a picture of...), and most other things, but Dave and I seriously nerded out. Dave is now extra inspired for next year's Halloween and has all sorts of ambitious Harry Potter ideas. 

You can see them dressed up in Beauxbatons uniforms! So much detail!

Much of the decor was made by them, but I'll assume they purchased/repurposed this Mr. Flitwick :)

I spy Moaning Myrtle and the stained glass from the Prefect's Bathroom! Amazing.

The Pensieve

Every one of these vials was put crafted together with three different pieces purchased. Hours of work, but so worth it!

"Anything from the trolley, dear?"

Just about the only thing Dom wasn't afraid of haha. 

What else... We went to the library... We had Allana and Gabriel over last Thursday to play the Battle of Hogwarts board game. They actually got it for us for Christmas a few years ago, and hadn't played it. We made it through Game 1 and 3 without dying. Already looking forward to doing it again!

I still need to work on my picture game. Such an awesome photo-op, but I'm too chicken to get up, position myself properly, and take a nice photo. I feel like I'm inconveniencing people or weirding them out or something. I think I'm the only one weirded out haha. Anyway, the kids don't get to see Allana & Gabriel often, but Dom warmed up quickly (mostly to Allana... sorry Gabe), and told her all about the cars and trucks in her books. 

Last Friday morning was play date day at Katrina's. Everyone ended up not being able to make it except for the kids and I. It was a lovely, quiet play date. The kids all played nicely, and Henry got snuggly with me while reading books haha. It's rare that we get to actually interact with each other's kids, so it was nice to have a calmer get together. 

Snuggle train!

Sam & Dom playing in the playhouse. Sam was playing properly, Dom was driving trucks on it. Naturally.

I'm so glad all these kids have each other <3

That brings us to this past weekend, when Scott & Ashleigh offered to watch our kids and we got to go away for a night! I'll do a separate post for that though. Stay tuned!!

I'm getting mentally prepared for the Christmas season! Already planning our Christmas tree hunt, Gramma has set a date with Dom to make cookies, we're hosting a Christmas party, and I bought two things for Dom for Christmas today at Costco! We also have my birthday and Dom's birthday in there. And Janine is coming to town so we are celebrating her Jaia & Jag's birthdays on Dec 8. Fill up that calendar with fun, gezellig things! 

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