Saturday 16 November 2019

Kids Say

I can't keep up now adays with the ridiculous things Dom says. A lot of his funny moments are all about the delivery, not so much the actual words, so It's hard to document that in writing. Here are some I've written down since the last post. Not to force you to read the whole thing, but the last one is probably the funniest.

D: I'm farting... I had a squeaky fart.

Me: Dom, what did you have for lunch today?
D: I don't remember.......... Bo Bo Moma knows!
*We hadn't seen Oma D in quite a while, so it was very random*

D: Does Daddy play the trumpet?

I had a really busy week at work about 4 weeks into my new job, and Dave reported this to me. Dom was looking out the window at home. 
D: I miss my mommy.
*Talk about heart breaker! He's much more used to me being out of the house now.*

Nicely reading a book with Dom, talking about the different names for baby animals. 
Me: A baby cow is called a calf.
D: And a big cow is called a cow!
Me: Yup, that's right.
D: And a calf comes out.... comes out a cow's bum!!
*I have noooo idea where he got his info from haha! Maybe one of his older friends??*

D: I'm going to eat my quinoa. Like an Ewok!

D: This is delicous!... Like pizza!!
*Talking about aforementioned quinoa*

I went to get him from bed on October 10 (his birthday is December 27). First words out of his mouth...

Dave was watching the kids and Dom felt the need to inform him.
D: Mommy wears pink things and black things on her boobs.

Me: Oh Dom. You're such a Gerber.
D: I'm a Gerber!
Me: Oh no wait. You're a Kimber!
D: ...... Daddy, are you a Burger?!

Driving in the van.
D: Mommy, turn on some tunes!

D: I am dancing! Like a slithering snake!
*I have no idea where he even gets these words*

D: The dragon and the horsey and the scary book were in Harry Potter!
*He has never to my knowledge watched Harry Potter, but he's not wrong!*

Reporting to me after Dave took them and Sherlock to the vet.
D: We went to the puppy office!

D prods his Darth Vader light saber at my bottom.
D: I am looking at your butt!
*I wonder if this has anything to do with the way the vet took Sherlock's temperature at "the puppy office"

When we go to Costco, we try to get the exit line with Tim, a very friendly man that the kids seem to love. He draws a happy face on the receipt every time, and Dom always looks forward to the happy face. David took the kids to Costco one day, but had to take the other lineup across from Tim. The lady drew a line on the receipt as they usually do and handed it back to Dom. Dom takes one look and says...
D: What a rip!!

When he poops and we want to change his diaper he always tries to stall and says, "No! Still pooping! I want to poop more! Not yet!" So after a few minuets we just say, "Let me change your diaper and if you have more poop you can do it in your new diaper." 
Now we always know when he's about to poop. He stops playing, stands still and says...
D: Mommy, is this my new diaper? 

D eating penne and picks up two on his fork: I got two!! BONUS!!

D playing with his Rubble toy: Okay. I'm going to Home Depot!

Dom walks into Emilia's room where I'm sitting. 
D: Here's one kid!
Emilia walks in behind him
D: And here's the other kid!

Emilia yawns.
D: siiiiighhhhhh... Meeeeee too!

Me: Dom, just relax
D: I can't relax!
Me: Oh, why not?

D: I'm just sooooooo snuggly!

Avoiding potty training at all costs. I brought the potty down to have around.
D: Don't bring down the poooooootttyyyyyy... It's too dangerous!

D: I want to go to the corn maze at church
Me: Uh huh... okay then.
This goes on for two days. 
D: I want to go to the corn maze at church. With baby Jesus!
Me: Do you mean cornerstone (what we call Sunday School)
D: YA!

Out on a walk to see Christmas lights
D: Oh woooowwwww. Look at THOSE classy lights!

Not really a kids say, but Emilia discovered her shadow on a night walk. She was trying to go around it, but it kept following her and she freaked right out and refused to walk the rest of the way. The little things we don't even think about! Can't really explain the science of a shadow to an 18 month old I guess!

And I leave you with this gem... 
D: What is he eating Mommy? Is he eating him penis?

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