Thursday 20 December 2018

Thankful Thursday - 162

This has been one of the more challenging weeks for me. Dominic is sick with some sort of chest cold and fever. I'm afraid Emilia is getting sick too, but keeping my fingers crossed! Also hoping that the rest of us don't get sick just in time for Christmas and Dom's birthday!

I posted a link to David's website at the end, but just in case you don't read that far... check it out here, too. Just to brag about the amazing places he's shot and photos he's taken :)

This week I am thankful for...

1. Professional Guessing. Last friday the company David sub-contracts with, Cotala, had their Christmas party at Original Joe's in Langley. They had a competition with a jar of candy-canes. You just write your guess down and whoever is closest wins the jar and a $50 gift card to Cactus Club. I wrote 63. Before I handed it in, the boss laughed and said he wrote 200. I casually threw a 1 in front of my guess, making it 163. Well... I WON! Me and one other person both guessed 163. What are the chances?! There were exactly 163 candy canes in the jar. Hooray for a Cactus Club date night some day soon!

2. Small Groups Christmas Party. We had our Christmas get-together this week and enjoyed some appetizers, mulled wine, beer (someone brought a keg they had leftover from another party!), a gift exchange and a game of Mafia! I only took one picture.

3. Emilia's age. She's almost 7.5 months and it's all "Ba ba ba Ma Ma Ma La la la" adorableness. She's army-crawling everywhere, and often gets stuck in awkward positions. She's obsessed with the lights on the tree and anything her brother is playing with (which makes my hopes of her not getting sick dwindle). This age is so fun. She's just happy, doesn't have any strong opinions, is determined, and is so proud of herself for accomplishing new things. 

Awkwardly hanging out under the tree

Arg. She is so cute.

4. Renewing my License. I got a notice in the mail back in October or November reminding me my driver's license and care card were expiring on my birthday. I realized as I was driving around this past Tuesday (December 18) that I never did that... I'd been driving around for a week with an expired license. OOPS!!! Yesterday we made a family trip out to ICBC (woo...) to renew my license. Thankful there were no incidents that happened!

No fun pictures of me at ICBC, so here's me being smothered by my babies. All day. Every day. No, I'm not complaining, I just don't want to get sick!!

5. Not Thankful for Dom being sick, but Dave and I are enjoying the extra snuggly cuddles.

Dom passed out on David's lap yesterday morning and stayed asleep (with a crib transfer) for 3 hours. Poor guy!

6. David has work! Dave's had 2 video shoots with his new equipment in the last week and has two more photo shoots coming up tomorrow and I think one on Saturday. We've thoroughly enjoyed his time off, but we're also excited for some fun jobs and some income going into the new year! He's also done a few updates to his website in the last few months which will likely bring in more work next year!

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