Sunday 9 December 2018

Emilia - 7 Months

Oh my precious little peanut. 7 Months old now. Hard to believe.

I just can't with how cute she is. Also, baby girl clothes are much too adorable!

Weight: 14 lb 3.5 oz (last Friday) (12th percentile)
Height: 64 cm (10th percentile) - I find length to be a bit subjective as every practitioner measures differently and it's easy for the baby to move skewing the results.

  • Me. There is no human she likes more than me. Cute and endearing, but also exhausting! 
  • Eating. This hasn't changed, other than she's eating a lot more.
  • Playing with cars or anything else her brother is playing with.
  • Testing my patience with rolling away during diaper changes.
  • Baths. Now that she can sit up on her own, she has more baths in the big tub. I'm obviously right there in case she tips, but she really loves splashing and chasing down the toys. 
  • Dom. Dominic is so good with her (most of the time).

  • Church. There is too much going on there I think. Also it falls right in the middle of nap time. 
  • When I walk away.
  • Peas. SO so so comical how she gags on them and is so offended. I'm sure there are other foods too, but this has been the most recent one she couldn't handle. 
  • Being cold. She kept getting fussy on walks, and one time I just completely bundled her up to (what I thought was) an excessive level. That walk she didn't make a single peep and was nice and toasty. Oops...

  • Still in size 2 diapers and 6/6-9 month clothing for the most part!
  • She is sitting completely independently. Both my kids have been pretty early sitters. Maybe I reinforce it a lot, but it's the best stage. So easy when you can just plunk them down and they'll sit happily playing.
  • She is getting close to crawling. She can get wherever she wants to go by rolling and wiggling, but she will also get up onto all fours and start rocking. She's a couple months ahead of Dom with this. 
  • She eats all sorts of solids now. She is eating mostly purees/mashes, but also just started eating puffs the other day. She's much quicker than Dom was at learning to get them from her tray to her mouth. 
  • She sips water from a sippy cup during a meal. Again, learned this much quicker than Dom. Maybe I should just make a point about that...
  • She seems to pick things up a lot earlier than her brother. Second child syndrome.
  • She is down to 2 naps now. It's still in the transition period, which means there are lots of early early bedtimes. At least it doesn't seem to affect her night sleep. She still sleeps straight through until 7am; even if she goes to bed at 515pm.
  • She wrinkles her nose and snorts :)
  • She had her 6 month immunizations just over a week ago. We had a Dr. Appointment then, and the doctor said she wants to look into why Emilia is so tiny. My gut says Emilia is perfectly healthy; she's just petite. I am, however, feeding her MUCH more than I used do. She's also pooping MUCH more often. I'll check her weight again soon, and if she doesn't start packing it on then I'll take her in to the doctor again and get some bloodwork done to check her iron levels.
  • The doctor also heard a minor heart murmur, which she suspected is an "innocent" murmur. I was initially freaked out to hear this, but apparently it is quite common in little ones and it is rarely anything to be concerned about. 
  • She eats 3 big meals of solids each day and has 4 big bottles each day.
  • I am pretty much done nursing. I can go 24 hours without nursing and not even be full. Each morning I'll nurse her however much she'll do, and then she'll still take a 4-6 oz. bottle after that. Mixed emotions, but mostly I think I'm okay with being done. She's much happier to be fed properly, and my body just made the decision for me.
  • She is now as old as Dom was when we got pregnant with her. That is NOT the plan this time around! Haha
  • What we most often call her: Emilia, Yaya, Em, Peanut, Yaz. 
  • My parents still often say she reminds them of Adam at this age. It'll be fun to see what she's like as she gets older!

A Typical Day: 
Our goal for a typical day anyway... It's a little random because sometimes we go out, and she's still transitioning from 3-2 naps. Our goal for wake times between naps is... 2.5/2.75/3. That seems to be working pretty well right now, but we still get the occasional short nap. Here's what it usually ends up looking like:

700: Wake & Feed (Breastfeed & top up with 4-6 oz. formula)
800: Solids (5 TBSP oatmeal)
930-1045: Nap 1
1045: 8 oz. bottle formula
1200: Solids (some sort of puree/mash, usually containing some applesauce)
130-300: Nap 2
300: 8 oz bottle formula
430/500: Solids (again some sort of puree or a pouch if we're out)
600: 6 oz bottle formula
600: Bed time!

Dom naps from 12/1230-230 every day. Between the two of them they're basically in bed from 930-3 every day which can make it hard to go out. Thankfully David has been home a lot lately, so I can do one-on-one activities with the kids during nap times. 

And now, because I couldn't pick which picture to post...


  1. Loooove baby girl clothing! And I agree, length is such a subjective thing to measure & hard to get an exact measurement that is consistent.

  2. I love how she is so tiny and Dom is so massive!! Love the pictures of you girls together :)
