Thursday 6 December 2018

Thankful Thursday - 160

Lots on the blog this week! I'm thankful for...

1. Gorgeous Fall days! Loving this crisp, cool air with sunshine. (Okay... I actually hate being cold, but I live in Vancouver so I'm not allowed to complain)! I am one of those people whose moods tends to follow the weather. Got out for a  few walks this week!

Sitting on the barrier watching the trucks drive by on Fraser Highway

We're getting way more use out of this owl toque than I anticipated. He loves it, though. And I love that it stays on his head!

Wet bum after riding the springy toys

Every time we walk by this house Dom likes to see "Cheech" (Chase)

So much bundling!

2. Christmas Tree Hunt! One of my favorite parts of the season for some reason; I can't really explain it. 

3. Emilia. This seems sort of silly and obvious, but this week I've been feeling especially grateful. Last Friday we had a Dr. appointment for her 6 month immunizations. The doctor is still mildly concerned about her weight. She is so so tiny. The doctor wants us to have bloodwork done for her to have her iron levels checked. She ALSO heard a minor heart murmur. I was already having a pretty shitty day before that, so that was just what I needed to hear. NOT! I held it together until I got in the car on the way home. The doc ensured me it is more than likely an "innocent" murmur which is nothing to worry about at all, but between her low weight gain, pasty skin (low iron levels?), and the murmur I was a mess. As the days go on I am more confident that she's perfectly healthy and is just small. We're feeding her more and she is LOVING it (and pooping much more...), so I'm sure she'll start packing on the chubs. Or at least keep gaining at an appropriate rate for her. 

Such stunning blue eyes <3

Christmas jammies! 

The one and only downside to babies who sleep independently from 5 weeks onward is that you never get to hold your sleeping baby. The other night after Em's bedtime bottle I snuggled her to sleep. So precious <3 <3 <3

Petite, but happy and strong little girl <3

4. Oma's Meatballs. After that crappy morning and Emilia's doctor appointment, I met up with Oma and picked up another meal for us. It was SO so so appreciated. I couldn't  have imagined going home to cook that day. Thank you, Oma!

Dom loves Oma's meatballs.

5. Attending church. Church has been more stressful than anything the last few months with the kids. This week I was playing bass, so I went all. by. myself. I was there early, played bass, and then at the last second volunteered to do the Advent reading to cover for the person who was supposed to do it, but got sick. Nice to have some "free" moments and feel like Renee instead of Mom! 

Every year during Advent they do puppet shows for the kids. They're often quite satirical. Since I saw there was going to be a camel, my mom went and picked up Dom so he could watch the puppet show. She took care of him the whole service so I could continue my "freedom", which was much appreciated. 

His face during the puppet show. Haha!! He almost made it without freaking out. Near the end, King Herod got a little angry, and Dom burst into tears. Life is hard being a sensitive toddler

6. Play Dates. Yesterday Katrina and I went to the Surrey Museum again with all the kids. Dominic had SO much fun. It's amazing to watch him making friends. He and Henry laughed so hard together jumping on the big rock cushions. Dom also wandered away from me to the point that I thought he was probably kidnapped. He's NEVER ventured away. He was running around with the other boys and being independent and it was encouraging to see. Emilia was also a champ. All the kids were great. Two moms, five kids! 
Today Stephanie and Elliot came over for our first play date together. As much as a 7 and 8 month old play. 

Henry really wanted to hold Emilia while Katrina and Sam went to check out the dinosaur exhibit

Dom was a little too busy being terrified of the lobby dino to sit nicely for a picture. I'll save him future embarrassment and not post the photo of him being super upset.

She was seriously so happy the whole time

Dom wanted Yaya to come sit with him in the "DUMP"

Katrina super-momming it up

A couple pictures poached from Katrina's blog
Emilia thought Henry was hilarious

This is the first time Dom ventured away from me. To play with Henry in the boat.

And a couple from the play date today with Elliot!
Cute little blue-eyed girls! Elliot is 5 weeks older than Emilia :)


  1. nice pics Renee. hope all is well with your little one! She is cute as a button.

  2. I love that first picture of you walking into the sunset!
