Thursday 27 December 2018

Dominic - TWO YEARS OLD!

Update: Dominic today (Dec 31) let us take his photo and measure him. We're getting back into our regular routine, so he is a much happier boy!

How is it possible I am already writing a 2 year post for Dominic? I was reminiscing the other night about our first few weeks with him. The stress, the sleep deprivation, the unknown. How far we have come! 

He's having a rough week being sick and having many many social events, so we will take his picture with the bear when we can. We tried, and it was NOT cute! Dom in full meltdown mode! For now, here's a different one of Dom and his one from 1 year ago today.

This face though. I'd say our relationship right now is about 50% adorable and fun, and 50% time outs and mutual frustration. Oh to be two...

I was watching some videos today, being sentimental, and he was so fun a year ago! Not saying he's not fun now; just a different kind of fun. He's the same person as a year ago, he just has so much more knowledge, awareness, will, and personality. 

Weight: 35 lb (still off the charts)
Height: Somewhere around 35.5 inches. He won't let us measure him this week apparently.


  • Playing Guitar, Paw Patrol, Trucks/Cars
  • Listening to music. In particular, Raffi, The Wiggles and super bass music in David's office
  • Cars. He can identify many different types of vehicles: Jeep (Bee), Truck (Tuh), Car (Vroom), Bus (Butt), Train (Choo), Ferrari (Arrari), Lamborghini (Gomeenee) to name a few
  • Opening presents. He's had lots of practice this week!
  • Any new situations or people, particularly with big crowds. He is very cautious and "slow to warm up". We usually say that instead of shy.
  • Not getting what he wants. Being two is hard... for everyone involved. 
  • Sharing.
  • Dinosaurs, dragons and sea monsters. We went to the Surrey Museum dinosaur exhibit and the dinosaurs totally scared him. Now even if there's a friendly cartoon dinosaur on TV he is just beside himself. 
  • Size 3T-4T clothing, depending on the brand
  • Size 6 diapers
  • He is still having one good nap every day. 12-230. Except on his actual birthday where he refused his nap all together and just sat in his crib and talked and played for the full 2.5 hours. 
  • He will go down for sleep at night in a playpen anywhere as long as the room is dark and he has his blankie and sound machine. 
  • He has tons of words, too many to count. He is at the age where he needs constant acknowledgement. He will repeat something over and over until we acknowledge what he said. For example, "I see blue car! I see blue car! I see blue car! I see blue car!" "Dom, did you see a blue car?" "Ya." "I see bus! I see bus! I see bus!" "Did you see a bus?" "Ya." You get the idea.
  • He is starting to speak in small sentences. Thank you mommy, cookie. 
  • Thank you and Bless you both sound suspiciously like "Achoo"
  • People often comment on how polite he is. He (almost) always says Thank you, Bless You, Please, and signs Sorry. 
  • He's started making little friends which is way too adorable. His besties right now are Henry and Devin. 
  • He has excellent fine motor skills. He's very good at things like stringing beads, picking things up with tongs, doing puzzles, etc. 
  • He seems to have a pretty good memory, not that I know what's normal for a 2 year old. He remembers where he puts things, or where we put things sometimes which comes in handy when we lose our wallets. He has most of his favorite books memorized. He does a puzzle once and then just seems to get it. 
  • We're working on the alphabet, although his drive to learn it isn't very hard. We're not actively trying to teach, it's sort of just happening organically. He knows "A is for apple, B is for ball," etc. all the way to H, and then M is for Mommy and Y is for Yummy Yummy. 
  • He doesn't play as independently as he used to, but can still get into a pretty good groove occasionally. The less toys available the better. 
  • He seems to have an empathetic soul/heart. If he senses someone is sad, it affects him. Or if something just doesn't seem right he gets quite worked up about it. The other day at my parents house, Aly was sleeping on the couch after a night shift. Dom was watching her, and he got really freaked out. Normally if we're sleeping or pretending to sleep on the couch and he stands there we'll wake up. She didn't, and he got really really sad and concerned. Poor guy probably thought she was dead. I don't even know where those thoughts/feelings came from.
  • Similar to his ABC's, he's not overly interested in learning to count. He gets the concept, but he calls every number 2. Counting to 3 is, "2, 2, 2!!!!!"
  • He's currently pretty sick with a cold and bad cough, but he's been a great sport. He lets us blow his nose, take his temperature, give him meds, and he sleeps great still. 
  • He's not potty trained. He will occasionally poop on the potty. He will always tell us before and after he poops though. He had a solid week and a half where he only pooped on the potty, and then I think one time it hurt a bit so that scared him off. 
  • Every morning when he wakes up he starts asking for everyone in the family, "Yaya, Daddy, Puppy," and then asks for oatmeal "Yea-yeouww."
  • He knows just what buttons to push and has started getting time-outs. Right now a time out is used mostly when he needs to cool down or when he's repeatedly being "bad". We stick him on a bar stool in the middle of the room and then when he's calm we have a little chat and hug it out. Works for a little bit usually. 
  • We call him the Hulk. He tantrums and then throws items across the room and yells, "I THROW!" 
  • Somehow he knows who Santa is, and thinks anyone with a big white beard is Santa. David Letterman, Dumbledore, and the man driving the jeep behind us. "Bee.... SANTA!" He however did not enjoy sitting with Santa for a photo. 
  • He suddenly started saying, "Yup" and "Nope". It's adorable and funny, but it feels a little informal, so we will usually just say, "Yes please" or "No thank you" since he seems to learn by watching and repeating us. 

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