Thursday 15 June 2017

Thankful Thursday - 92

1. Special Moment. On Monday, Dom & I shared a special moment. He was in the first few days of his 5th leap, and it was proving to be a challenging one. He was very clingy to me, but I went grocery shopping and asked Dave to put him down for a nap. Dave did the routine and put him down, but he screamed for 45 minutes until I got home. Dom is sleep/nap trained, and NEVER cries when we put him down so it was very odd! When I got home I went to see what was going on. I tried nursing him and giving him Motrin, but he still screamed every time I tried to put him down. Finally I just picked him up and cuddled/bounced/consoled him, and he fell asleep in my arms. This hasn't happened in nearly two months, since we started sleep training. It made me think back to when he was a newborn and most of his naps were taken laying on my chest. I got a little emotional as I realized how big he is now. Mostly though, I enjoyed every second of that nap.

It was really dark in the nursery, but Dave brought up my camera to try get some pictures of this moment I never want to forget.

This was the last time he slept in my arms <3 April 23

This is what most naps looked like at the beginning. 

2. Fathers. Father's Day is coming up! It's also both my Dad's and David's Dad's birthdays coming up in the next few weeks. Lots of recognizing what the Dads/Grandpas/Opas do!

This was almost 2 months ago, but it's so cute! Reading books with Dom before bed. 

Quality time with Grandpa

Visiting Opa at work this week!

3. Walking. Whenever I go out for a walk I have to draaaag myself out. Such a hassle between the dog and the baby and myself. (Just wait until I have three kids to lug around! Haha). Once I'm out and a few minutes in, I love every minute of it. I should be grateful for the ability to go out for walks every day if I choose. I am especially grateful for Sherlock, as he forces me to get out of the house.

Only I wanted to cooperate with our Tynehead selfie

Peeking out the side of the Ergo. How is this comfortable?!

Next week this time we will be at the cabin celebrating my Dad's 50th birthday weekend! Can't wait!!

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