Monday 12 June 2017

Keeping things busy!

Every time the weekend approaches a few things happen. 
1. I totally lose track of time and have no idea what day it is.
2. Upon realizing it's the weekend I look forward to some time to rest, and get things done. 
3. Somehow resting and getting things done just doesn't happen and the days fill up so fast I blink and the weekend is over!

This past weekend was no exception. We filled every minute of every day. Lots of fun!

On Friday I enjoyed the sunshine and went for a walk around the neighborhood. The horses are out again! 

I was narrating my walk to Dom who was in the stroller, and commented how the clouds reminded me of Toy Story. I then started thinking to myself how we used to just lay in the grass, look up at the clouds and pick out different shapes/images/creatures. I figured I'd give it a try. The first cloud I saw, I thought, "That looks like a storm cloud with a lightning bolt!" Huh... that's a disappointing, unimaginative thought... Let's try again... I saw the cloud in the centre of this picture and thought it looked like a duck in a hover craft. That's more like it! Haha. 

Dom has recently started eating baby oatmeal once day (in the morning). He now gets ferocious when I am eating my breakfast in the morning (after he's nursed and should be satisfied) if he hasn't had his oatmeal. What have I done! He just wants to eat my super nutritious breakfast of toast with PB & chocolate chips (yup... I'm still 14 at heart). 

Pretty insistent on feeding himself, which is MESSY! Better get used to this.

The dog agility regionals was this weekend at Thunderbird Show Park. While I didn't run, I did go out both Saturday and Sunday to watch a couple runs. Both days I got to watch Allana & Fynn run Gamblers, and Shel & Ruby run Jumpers. I love watching the dogs go! I can't wait to go watch nationals in August! (Both Allana & Shel made it to nationals! Woo hoo!)

Gramma, Dad & Dom!

Perfect day for outdoor agility! Not too hot unlike other years.

It was quite bright though, so Grandpa generously allowed Dom to wear his hat. Haha! 

Friday was Henry's second birthday, and Katrina & Brayden threw him a birthday party on Saturday! Dom was invited, so we packed up after agility and went to the party! There were SO many little kids and babies there. The next generation... running around everywhere. 

The cake could be a metaphor for people on Social Media. Everything looks perfect on the outside, but apparently the cake fell apart coming out of the pan, and Katrina may have dropped it at one point too... Nothing some icing can't fix! I have to add, it was DELICIOUS!

Dads and their babies! Dom likes Isla. Telling her some stories.

Watching the video of Henry's 2nd year. Henry really loves seeing himself on the TV, proudly pointing and announcing, "Anna Anna!" every time he shows up!

At this age, Henry had about a 2-gift attention span, but it was cute nonetheless

Most of the kiddies/babes

We tried...

For whatever reason, Dom just LOVES Kerriann. She can just say hi and he giggles! Total ham!

On Sunday, Jeff texted asking if we'd be around. I told him I'd be home by 4:30 at the latest. Shortly thereafter I got a text from Mom saying, "So dinner is happening at your house?" Umm... sure? I guess so! 

The best thing about these last second dinners is that it ends up being us sitting around playing games while someone else cooks dinner and watches Dom. More often than not, Mom will show up with food already prepped and just heat it up and we all eat together! We don't have to do the grocery shopping, most of the cooking (although it does end up being a team effort most of the time because we all like to cook), keeping baby busy, etc. 
If anyone ever wants to invite themselves over for a visit or baby snuggles, just bring food! Haha :)

Uncle Jeff teaching Dom some rhythm, playing the air drums.

Shadow relishes  in the cuddles on the couch. 

Gnocchi with roasted vegetables, pancetta, fresh basil and balsamic glaze! Yum yum!

When Dave reads Dom his stories, he always lets him hold the book at the end. Dom seems to have the right idea! Haha <3

1 comment:

  1. So many great pictures in this post! Thanks for turning my disaster cake into a useful life lesson 😆
