Friday 19 August 2016

What/who will our baby look like?

First things first... We are finding out baby's gender today after our detailed ultrasound! There is a poll on the sidebar of the blog that will close on August 22 (when I anticipate sharing our news), and I'd love to hear what you think!! Boy or girl?!

People always ask me what I want... I don't mean to be cliche, but I'm just thrilled to be having a baby and I want it to be healthy. I don't have time to think about which I would prefer. However... I will say that I'm feeling boy... When I envision the gender reveal, I anticipate boy. I expect boy. When I envision it being a girl, I get super excited and giddy. When I dream about baby, it's just a baby... Growing up I always wanted a boy first, because that's how I grew up... with two older brothers. Now though, the thought of a little girl just melts my heart. Can't wait to find out!

Now on to the purpose of this post...

As I get further along, and my belly starts to grow, I can't help but start wondering what our baby will look like!

There is no way of predicting this, but here are some baby pictures of David and I to enjoy! 

David first...

Just a few hours old. Born March 12, 1991. 8 lb when born. And born with those already pouty lips :)

Am I biased? Pretty cute...

I find he looks remarkably un-jolly for being in the jolly jumper! haha

Look how big that noggin is! Such a chunky guy. What a cutie. 

Hahaha. I love this face. David still makes this face if he's focusing on something. Sort of dumb-founded. I hope our kids get his lips! And maybe a smaller head... for practicality reasons only. David's sister Rachel is in the corner of this picture. Such a sweetie!

David at 3 years (if I recall correctly) with his un-tamable cowlick. 

Look at that little blondie! David at 4. Such a cutie.

Okay... now my turn!

Still in the hospital. Just a little peanut! I was only 5 lb. 14 oz. when I was born (2 weeks early) on December 11, 1991.

Big brown eyes and a bald head! This little dress makes me want to have a girl... I look like a doll!

Learning to love my brothers (and vice versa)

Bath Time!! I still have that birthmark on my head, but my hair now covers it. I also have a birthmark on my right thigh/hip, which matches a few other women in the Gerber family!

Practicing my mothering while mom feeds Scott. I must have been 2 when this was taken. Scott was born 22 months after me. (This photo makes me want to have lots of kids. Otherwise it would be impossible to capture sweet moments like this!)
Also, I love that the bottle I'm feeding my doll has pretend chocolate milk in it... back in the days where feeding chocolate milk to a baby was supposedly acceptable! Haha

Always with that cheesy smile! I look about 3(?) here.

More bath time... This picture only made the cut as it appears I found some scissors and cut my own bangs. That is some bad haircut! Haha

Pre-school photo! Maybe our kids will get David's teeth and not need braces... His were always just straight. Mine started out a-mess! (Probably partially because I sucked on my fingers for years when I was little...)

I always love seeing people's pictures from when they were babies/small children. Can't wait to meet our little babe and see the resemblance with both of us! Brown eyes? blue eyes? Brown hair? Blonde hair? Big baby? Little Baby? Petite? Chunky? Boy? Girl?

The past few weeks I've been feeling more and more grateful, and I don't want to take any moment of this experience for granted. I know everyone's experience and journey is different, and the fact that we are where we are today is a major blessing. 

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