Monday 8 August 2016

18 WEEKS (SWEET POTATO): Jul 31-Aug 6

18 Week photos at the cabin! (Pre-head cold)

18 Week + 2 days photos taken at home. 
These photos are awful. This was my worst day of my cold, and we just got back from a 5 hour road trip. No makeup, no shower, just quickly throw on the outfit and fake a smile! Haha Yikes!
I ate lots of junk this weekend, so was feeling pretty bloated and crappy by the time we got home for these photos. But... I'm committed to getting them every week! Whether I want to or not!

  • We are SWEET POTATO status. Sweet potatoes vary in size, but think about one that is about 5.5 - 6 inches long and weighs about as much as a chicken breast. Got it? That's our baby!
  • Baby is sucking and swallowing and yawning and hiccuping and kicking around this week. I still feel occasional flutters, but not too often. At the cabin I was tanning on my stomach on the grass and baby did not like feeling squished like that. Serious kicking around. Also I was having some slight cramps after that... No more stomach laying on hard(ish) surfaces I guess!
  • Baby's nervous system is undergoing some serious development this week. All the senses are starting to develop and mature!
  • I got a terrible cold to start off 18 weeks. I am not allowed to take any head-cold medication, so I just had to tough it out. Man... that is awful! Knowing I could feel so much better just drinking some buckleys, or taking some DayQuil... 
  • Swollen gums can be a symptom of pregnancy, and mine do seem a little more swollen/sensitive, but no bleeding. One night though, when my sinuses were severely plugged, it felt like my gums got extra swollen and sensitive. I was having jaw pain and felt like I'd jut had my wisdom teeth taken out! Fun times! I imagine it was due to the sinus pressure. 
  • At the cabin I enjoyed walking around in my bathing suit with my belly. At least I had a good excuse to have a belly! Besides all of the delicious food and drinks!
  • I tried really hard to feel baby one night. I read somewhere that if you have a snack that has good sugars in it, then about 20 minutes later go relax (lay down, sit on couch, etc.) it will often be enough sugar to trigger some movements, and you sitting/laying down will stop the rocking motion putting your baby to sleep. About 20 minutes before bed I had a yogurt and a glass of apple juice. I went to bed and anxiously awaited some little flutters, but... before I knew it... it was morning! Oops... Sometimes falling asleep so quickly isn't the best! 
  • I went out and spent $150 on maternity clothes at Destination Maternity. Sounds like a lot (to me anyway), until I realize I got $370 worth of clothes! Love that! I got... two pairs black maternity leggings (will be a staple in the fall), one pair maternity shorts (I could easily wear those now, as my other shorts aren't fitting so well anymore), a cute top for over the leggings, a sweater for the fall, a basic striped tank top, and a nursing tank top (some lady encouraged me to buy high quality ones while they're on sale. Couldn't resist!). Everything that was on sale at the store was an ADDITIONAL 50% off! That's my kind of shopping! David was a super-trooper. Very encouraging about me spending money on high quality clothing. He's always great for that haha.
    **Side note... they have a 7 month belly you can try on with your clothes. I had a major reality check when I realized how big I still had to get. I mean the clothes looked super cute, but it was rather shocking to see how far I'd be going in the next three months!**
Super un-flattering photo, but you can see that 7 month belly! I bought this shirt after seeing what it would look like later on. 

  • We were at the cabin doing my 18 week photos on Sunday, and I asked my brothers to come do a family shot with me. We came up with this gem. It could not be more perfect! Moments like this make me want to have 4 kids. We have grown up to be so close!

  • They say by this time I'm supposed to be sleeping on my side all the time. I most often fall asleep on my side, but every single night I wake up laying flat on my back with my hands crossed across my chest (yes... like a dead person). David finds it rather creepy! Haha. I imagine if/when I get to the point that it's actually dangerous to sleep on my back, my body will make me move. Until then, I'm going to try propping up with pillows to remain on my side. I gotta say. Our new (as of April) king-size memory foam bed has been a dream. Particularly for side-sleeping! My shoulders don't get sore! It's pretty low to the ground right now though, so I'm worried about when I'm large and trying to get out of bed. I'll get stuck!
  • Something strange... The top portion of my belly-button sticks out sometimes. It's hard for me to compare my belly button to what is "normal" for me, since it's been covered by jewelry for the past 8-9 years. I don't know what it's supposed to look like. However, I can be sure that it didn't used to stick out like this... In a month or so I bet it will be completely flat. After that it'll be an outie! Eek! This is all becoming too real!

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