Monday 22 August 2016


At our ultrasound on August 19, we had the technician print a photo of baby's gender bits and put it in an envelope for us for the reveal that evening. 

We had our parents and whichever siblings could make it over for a reveal at 6:30 or so. 

When everyone was ready to go, Courtney took Sherlock up to the nursery and checked the envelope. She then sent him down with a pink or blue scarf/lei around his neck to show us the gender!

We were all waiting excitedly, and Sherlock (eventually) came down the stairs. He was much more interested in the treats Courtney had than coming to say hi to everyone and share the news... that's what we get for using a dog with a mind of his own for it!



Happy Daddy!

David could not be more excited. I am also thrilled. Ever since I was a little girl I hoped I would have a boy first so that no matter what, future children will always have a big brother. That's how I grew up, so it's the only way knew! However, I was also holding out hope it would be a girl since little girls are just so cute! And much more fun to shop for Haha! (and more expensive!)

We are going to have a boy... I'm going to have a son... the Kimber name continues! 

I guess it's only natural I'd be having a boy... I grew up in life being overrun by boys. So it continues! David and Sherlock are adding another man to the pack :)

I cannot wait to see David and our little boy bond. I also cannot wait to see Sherlock and our son grow up together. 

I was not overly surprised when Sherlock came down in the blue scarf. I honestly told Courtney ahead of time when I was giving her the run-down, "Here's the pink bandana to use... although we don't even need to practice that because we're not going to need it!" Haha I was so sure it was a boy by this time. Mother's instinct? Lucky guess? Who knows!!

Honesty moment... After everyone left and it was just David and I, I felt kind of down. No... not because we're having a boy ;). I just realized well... that's it! That was the last time (assuming everything goes smoothly) we get to see our baby boy until he's born... The pictures kind of stink, and maybe I didn't pay enough attention during the ultrasound. Should I have filmed it? I feel like I was distracted! I got sad thinking that now all the fun stuff is over. We've had all our ultrasounds, we know what we're having... now we just wait another 4-5 months. 

Over the next couple days that feeling went away (maybe because we got some presents... who knows) haha. I am now starting to refer to baby as "he" and we are going through names (still taking suggestions by the way!), planning for the nursery, attending all our prenatal classes, and envisioning our life next year! Oh I cannot wait... 

So apparently this photo shows that our baby is a boy. I need the midwives to explain! Haha. My understanding is that... it's sort of a total crotch shot from below... so it's like he's spread eagle, looking up towards his face. Super flattering I know. You can see his bum, and then there's a faint outline of an arrow pointing towards his bits. Again... I don't 100% understand (part of the reason I wish we found out in the appointment, so tech could explain), but hopefully midwives can provide more clarity next week!

Another fuzzy photo, but you can see baby's foot! Heel on left, little toesies on right!

I was disappointed with this picture at first. Can't see baby boy's arms, hands, feet... spine looks scary (is that even the spine?)... but then I see that we have a pretty great shot of baby's facial profile! Who cares about the rest (as long as it's all there and healthy) when I can see my baby's nose! We got to see his little lips and everything. So sweet. Can't wait to see what he looks like!!! *Side note: we saw the spine during the actual exam and it looked perfect... so I'm not sure what is going on here)

Mom & Dad brought some decorations, which of course included wine glass charms!

We all took a vote before the big reveal. Majority rules!

Showing off (trying to figure out) the ultrasound picture! I'd never seen one from that angle, so I was very confused.

Here are the goodies we've received so far! This boy is already going to be spoiled!
You can also see the colour of the nursery walls! We painted last week. They were previously a neutral beige colour, but my parents had some "Revere Pewter" by Benjamin Moore leftover so we used that. It is like a warmer, light grey. Neutral, but modern/classic at the same time!

This ridiculously cute little outfit is straight from Holland! It came with Juanita in her suitcase on her surprise visit to Vancouver!

David's parents had saved two little bears, a piggy bank, and a t-shirt from when David was a little boy! Cute :) They're lucky ours is a boy, or these might not fit in quite so well! Also in this photo, are three little sleepers my mom went out to buy the next day, as well as a Holland onesie! That will get much use when baby is little! That's a promise :)

Prayers that the second half of this pregnancy goes as smoothly as the first half, and that we have a healthy happy baby at the end of this part of the journey. 

Here is a video of the reveal that my mom took for us so we could send it to those that couldn't make it that night. 

Sherlock was supposed to run down carrying the blue sock with his blue scarves. He was too excited about the treats though, so Courtney threw the sock down trying to get him to follow. That explains the sock! Haha. We were also trying to FaceTime my older brothers in as they were both out of town at the time, but that didn't work... the video will have to do!

Such a fun, but emotionally/mentally exhausting day! Whew...!

I leave you now with a super cute photo of David, Sherlock and I holding my cousin's baby, Violet, back in early 2015. 

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