Thursday 17 September 2015

Thankful Thursday - 13

This week there is lots to be thankful for!
Starting off with a big one!

1. A healthy baby. My friend, Crystal had a little baby boy, Ryan Alexander, Monday night. 3 weeks early. Their birth story is one for the news! This is Crystal's second baby, and from start of labor to finish it was less than 30 minutes. Crystal's husband, Kelly, ended up delivering the baby on the floor in their powder room. Amazingly, and thankfully, everyone was healthy and happy. Kelly had to tie off the umbilical cord with a shoelace (very Macgyver of him!) and the paramedics arrived about two minutes after Ryan was born. If that is not a memorable birth story for them, I don't know what is! I got to visit Crystal and Ryan in the hospital on Tuesday, and cuddle the adorable little peanut, weighing in at just 5 lb. 13 oz. (I was only 5 lb. 14 oz when I was born). So thankful for the gift of life! If that doesn't get my baby juices flowing, I don't know what will!

Ryan Alexander. Swaddled up in all his cuteness!

Sleepy guy after such an eventful night!

2. A gourmet kitchen for gourmet cooking. I know I've said it a hundred times already, but... I love our kitchen. I feel so much more inspired cooking in a nice, bright kitchen. Everything feels clean, and every time I make something I just feel like it looks more gourmet, and tastes better! Maybe the novelty will wear off someday, but for now I'm going to enjoy it. 

Baked Chicken, boiled potatoes, asparagus, carrots (cooked in honey, mustard and dill), and of course, bearnaise sauce!

Smoked Salmon Salad. Mixed greens with homemade vinaigrette, boiled potatoes, smoked salmon, a medium poached egg on top and salt and pepper. So simple, but so delicous!

3. Our guard dog. Sherlock hardly ever barks. We hear him bark maybe once a week. Until Monday, that is! There were painters painting the trim outside our house, so they were on ladders leaning against the house, and on our balcony getting the hard to reach areas. Sherlock figured this just wasn't okay! He stood guard (on the toy box) to keep an eye on these sketchy painters for quite some time! He didn't bark the whole time, but definitely stood his ground. As this is a very rare occurrence, we were able to find the humor in the situation.  

What are you thankful for this week?!