Thursday 2 July 2015

Thankful Thursday - 2

Well! It is that time again to remember some things to be grateful for. 

Let's start off this week with the obvious!

1. My husband. David has been such a wonderful partner to share my life with so far. He is very hard working with his business, around the house, and in our relationship. He is an incredibly loyal person and he always wears his heart on his sleeve. Every area I struggle in, he seems to succeed. Our differences can be cause for disagreement and conflict, but over-all I have to remind myself... I could never live with another me. 
What a babe!

2. Cousins. I often overlook and take for granted the fact that our family has remained so close throughout the years. Particularly our extended family. Although we don't get together as often as we used to, it's always a wonderful time when we do. Filled with good food and drinks. My cousins and I grew up together. We hung out every day after school at times, and had our first sleepovers together on the weekends. I hope we can keep these relationships and build them even more over the years to come. 
 Taylor and I on our way to the WestJet Wine Festival in Kelowna this past May.

 Taylor, Stephanie and I in Kelowna. Prior to this, we hadn't been together with just the three of us in probably close to 10 years. 

A small representation of the De Jong family in Holland.

3. Things that snap me back to reality. By this I mean the silly, goofy things that happen in life. When I'm feeling down or being irrational it is good to have something that you just can't help but laugh at. Here are a couple examples of silly things I caught on camera from this week. 
A tender moment of my cousin, Brad, showing off his food baby bump.

If you can, you must zoom in on Sherlock's face. I got the new iPhone 5S this week, and it has a "burst mode" for photos, allowing you to take dozens of photos in seconds. This one is my favorite. 

That is all for this week folks!

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