Wednesday 8 July 2015

Spontaneous Trip

Friday afternoon, about two hours before I was due to be done work I was texting with Oma G. about some church stuff. She needed me to print the Bulletin as she was at the cabin. I expressed my jealousy of her being up there and she said, "Well come on down!"
Normally I wouldn't give this a second thought. This is WAY too last minute for me. I normally need at least a week to make lists and plan and pack for the cabin. However, this time it was different. This time I took a step back and thought, "Hey! Maybe we SHOULD go to the cabin!" I called David and he was on board (mind you he's super easy going so that wasn't a big deal for him). 
By 4pm we were packed up and on the road to the cabin! 

Sherlock is a great travel companion. 

Just in case you've forgotten, I like to plan. I'm a planner. Things that aren't according to plan are increasingly stressful for me. This impromptu trip to the cabin? A major deal for me. I was/am so proud of myself for ignoring my panicked gut and doing this... It sounds pathetic now, but it's the small things right? 

Look who we found in Princeton! They were on their way to Summerland, and were supposed to take the Coquihala, but it was closed due to a forest fire. 

When we got to the cabin it was about 9:45pm. Our border guard was in a great mood for a change, so that was a nice surprise! Opa and Oma were up there with their dog, along with Greg & Laura with their 4 boys/dog, Jean & Wendy with their daughter and dog, and Rich & Jo with their dog. 15 people and 5 dogs! Everyone except us and Opa and Oma left on Sunday though, so we had a day with just a few of us which was much more relaxing. 

One of the only shots of people from the weekend. We spent a lot of time sitting out on the front deck enjoying the shade.

The weather this weekend was gorgeous. It was around 35 degrees Saturday and Sunday, but it was windy, so the heat was very manageable. Plus we had Party Island in the water to lounge on in the heat with our drinks. 

We spent our time at the cabin playing with the dogs, kayaking, canoeing, walking, napping, drinking, eating, playing cards, more eating and drinking, swimming, and talking. Time seems to slow down significantly at the cabin. The two full days we were there felt like a week. I was concerned it wouldn't be worth it just to go down for the weekend, but I was wrong! It was definitely worth it. 

Now for some photos from the weekend!

Sherlock and his friend, Roxy enjoying the view together.

 Sherlock took a liking to being in the boats with me. So we took a few trips together around the lagoon and lake when it wasn't too windy. 

Caught me a cool dragon fly!

Pet selfies are actually very difficult

I picked up some new dog toys before we came, so Sherlock was happy!

This is Kali, my Opa and Oma's Newfoundand/Landseer.

Great way to beat the heat!

My buddy joined me on my towel. He likes to dry off by rolling around on grass or towels. This is just after he finished rolling all over me and my towel to get the lake water off himself. 

Another wonderful weekend away at my favorite place. I hope to have access to something like this for my kids when they're growing up. 

1 comment:

  1. Fun!! Nice that you had a day to yourselves after being with 15 people :)
