Friday 25 February 2022

Thankful Thursday - 287

I have been so busy the last week I've hardly taken any pictures other than what I shared in my Family Day post!

This week I am thankful for...

1. The little kitchen. This thing is totally falling apart. Two of the hinges are busted and the fridge door hangs off when you try to open it. It was found on the side of the road when Dom was like 16ish months old by my parents. We definitely need a new one, and Dave's been trying to convince me to just ditch it, but now Eva has started playing with it and it's so cute! This thing, as ugly as it is, still gets played with every single day. 

The OG kitchen picture! His face haha!! 
Side note. His head is now that high above our big kitchen counters. What. The. Heck.

2. Chiropractor. I don't know what I did, but for about 4 days I couldn't move my neck to the left at all. It was very uncomfortable and nothing seemed to help. Until Dr. Yvonne that is! I saw her for Chiro Wednesday and my mobility is back and discomfort is so much more manageable. Yay!

3. Quality time with Dom. Dom and I have been going back and rebuilding most of his Lego sets in the last week or so. (Maybe that's what I did to my neck haha). Anyway I love doing Lego, especially when it's following the instructions (I'm really fun...), so it has been really fun for us to do this together!

4. Dom's blossoming confidence. Thursday was Dom's 5th time at his Soccer Shots class. I got to take him and I was so excited to see how he would do! He was totally into it, participating in all the drills, chatting with the coaches, and engaging a bit with the friends there. For the last half they have a "game" which is basically just a mayhem of kids chasing a ball around. The past few times he's decided to be the goalie and just stand on one end to defend his team's net. This time he actually decided to get out of the net and play. He was in his element! He scored 4 goals (one was on his own net but whatever haha) and cheered on his friends. He was very encouraging and is clearly made for team sports. We were both very proud of him!

I mostly took video, but here's a shot of him getting his prize at the end. 

5. Honeybee Centre Visit. Aunty Sonya came over early this morning and after Eva went to bed, her and I took Dom and Emilia down to the Honeybee Centre. Both the kids rode their bikes. I was a little hesitant for Dom to ride his since he hasn't really ridden it anywhere other than in circles in front of our house and I know how he tends to get anxious and give up pretty quickly and I didn't feel like carrying his bike the whole way. He actually rode most of the way there and about half of the way back! The second half of the walk back is a huge hill so I had zero expectation of them even attempting to ride up that haha. Emilia did great as expected, but she's used to riding her bike with me when I walk the dog. 

We got some honey sticks to fuel up for the ride home, and then came home for lunch. Aunty Sonya (Lasagna) read some books with the kids and even Eva got in on the action. Lovely way to break up our day and do something different with our Friday morning! Unfortunately the Beestro is permanently closed. We were hoping we could grab a bite to eat there. 

Aunty Sonya's turn!

Watching them jar up some honey


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