Monday 31 May 2021


Summer is coming, days are long, COVID restrictions are easing, and things are feeling (dare I say it...) normal! It is such a freeing feeling having our first vaccine and having most of our family vaccinated as well. I know we aren't in the clear, but it sure takes the edge off. 

We had a full weekend again, and I'm pushing myself to be more flexible with going out and Eva not getting proper naps. She's just a newborn, but man does she ever let us know if she hasn't napped properly! We always pay for it in the evening. 

Friday was a pretty normal day. Dave was working, I was with the kids, and I got some errands done! During nap time, Eva was up, so I took her out to get her passport photos done. It's tough to get pictures of a newborn that will be approved by the passport office, but I'm hoping these will work. 

Here's her passport photo haha! You can only expect so much from a 6 week old! Got it done JUST IN CASE the borders open and we get to go to the cabin this summer! We did Emilia's really early too. See below. :)

Oh her hair was so wild! Also, these two look nothing alike!

Someone wasn't ready to get up from her nap!

Friday night we had Scott & Ashleigh over and we watched the Friends reunion! First thing we've watched on the big screen in over 6 weeks! Eva wouldn't sleep in her bed, but she happened to snuggle me and sleep while we watched which was a nice treat. The reunion was super fun. Very nostalgic. It seemed like some of the cast were just so grateful to be there and relive those glory days!

Saturday morning I had 20 minutes of peace. Dave was downstairs, Eva was napping, and both the big kids were playing upstairs. I grabbed a snack and some smoothie, and sat outside on the deck. It was such a beautiful day, and the air felt extra fresh for some reason. 

I also got some time to do my yoga during naptime, but Dom came down from quiet time early. So I did my yoga and breathing with Dom crashing cars behind me. Oh well... worth it!

Saturday afternoon we got together at my parents house for a patio BBQ with everyone. That is 15 people! Kids don't count towards the gathering numbers right?... right?! Haha We had a fruit platter, croquette buns, hot dogs, and a 15 year old $100+ bottle of wine Mom & Dad were saving for a special occasion. Saturday felt as special as anything haha. It's still so wild looking around at all these babies! Christmas is going to be wild! Also, Dom & Emilia are at this great age where they can just go off and play. It makes things a little less overwhelming :)


The fancy wine

Time for a round of name that baby! Haha. I only got confused once thinking Mom was holding Phoebe, but it was Myles. This picture is Eva

Eva and Myles


Opa & Phoebe

The three granddaughters!

Phoebe & Eva

Dom displaying his gentle heart with Phoebe, and Emilia laying down to be like the other babies haha

Oma & a happy Myles

A VERY happy Myles!!

Sunday morning I asked Dom what he wanted to do that day, and he told me he wanted to go to Rebecca's house. We haven't gone there since early December, and the kids haven't really played together for more than 5 minutes since then. They sooo miss each other! I texted Rachel, and we planned an impromptu BBQ at their place with Gramma & Grandpa! 
They have such a beautiful yard with a huge deck, hot tub, sitting area, swing set, play house, etc. etc. The kids had great fun and we hardly saw them except at dinner time. 

Sigh. One day we'll have a yard, and be in a cul-de-sac. <3

Couldn't coordinate a photo with all 3 of them poking their heads out, but the play house was great fun for a few minutes. That is until Emilia had a spider pointed out to her. Then she just got a look of panic on her face and said, "Everybody out!"

Aunty Rachel finally got to hold Eva!!

I spy three little cousins hiding under the swing set!

We started off this morning with some excitement too... I was feeding Eva on the couch and had to change her diaper, so I turned off my phone so Dom wouldn't type on it. When I went to grab it I saw that he had called 911... Ugghhhhhh. A minute later I'm still changing Eva, Dom had dropped a toy on her face so she's crying, Emilia is yelling because she wants more wipes, and Dom is sad because he thinks he hurt Eva. I get a call on my phone and answer it because as I suspected, it's the RCMP calling. They had to ask a bunch of questions, and sent an officer to check up on us to make sure everything is okay. Dom and I had a chat about playing with our phones, and he was so terrified the officer was coming to get him in trouble. I assured him he wasn't in trouble haha. It was bound to happen eventually. The RCMP lady on the phone was very understanding, "Yea, I have a 4.5 year old, a 3 year old, and a 6 week old. I was changing the babies diaper and turned off my phone, but the 4.5 year old got ahold of it and started pressing buttons on the lock screen..." Nothing they haven't seen before I suppose. I was grateful they didn't make us feel bad about anything though. The officer thanked us for understanding when he came to check in. I felt like we should have been apologizing, but it happens, and everyone was just doing their job! 

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