Monday 10 May 2021

Weekend - Mother's Day/Emilia Birthday/BABIES/Zoo

 Okay, crazy weekend over here!

We had Emilia's birthday, Mother's Day, and we went to the zoo today! 
I'll just unload my photos mostly in order and go from there!

Eva and Sherlock sharing a snuggle <3

Check out this rainbow!

We all went to the library together one day (I've been making an conscious effort to get out of the house more often), and then Eva and I walked home together afterwards. It was a beautiful, windy, half hour walk. 

When Eva was a week old I asked Dave to help me take a couple nice photos of her in our room. She wasn't as settled as I was hoping to get the shots I envisioned, but still nice to get some quality newborn pictures before she changed too much! So these pictures were about 2 weeks ago now. 

Sunday was Mother's Day, but it was also Emilia's third birthday. I didn't have any expectations at all for Mother's Day because of this. I also just find it an easier day to go into with no expectations. Somehow all I want for Mother's Day usually is just a day off, which with a newborn is impossible, so maybe I'll celebrate next year! Haha
However on Saturday I went and took a nap while Eva napped, and ended up sleeping for 2 hours. When I woke up, Dave and the kids surprised me with these little interviews (well sort of... I emailed them to him earlier in the day, but didn't expect him to actually do them and definitely didn't expect them a day early). They also joined forces and made us waffles for dinner! 

Eva was waking up, so I was running out of time to eat my waffles. I knew I wanted two, so I made a waffle sandwich. Two waffles, with peanut butter, nutella, and banana in between, and syrup and strawberries on top. No other way to eat waffles now. 

Sunday was all about Emilia for us! Her second pandemic birthday, so she doesn't know any better, but we still wanted to make it a special day! 

Dave and I went in to get the kids singing "Happy Birthday" and this was the face we got

She looks like such a sweet girl here. I mean, she is a sweet girl, but boy is she a stinker too! :)

After breakfast she opened her presents from us. She got a book that has 5 Frozen puzzles in it, and a Minnie Mouse lunch bag, and a Melissa & Dough Frozen magnet toy where you can dress Elsa up. There was definitely a theme to her birthday that wasn't exactly intended haha...

That balloon is a #4 and it has been up there for 4.5 months, since Dom's birthday haha! We are just waiting till it falls. It's an experiment.

Some morning tummy time with this gal

We made the cupcakes on Saturday, and then I iced them and let the kids decorate on Sunday morning. Relinquishing control and just letting them end up how they ended up! Luckily I'm not a baker, and not a perfectionist when it comes to cupcakes and cakes. I use a box mix, use icing from a jar, slap it on, and it always tastes good haha.

Rachel, Kyle and Rebecca popped by to drop off a gift of craft supplies for Emilia! Lots of neon pipe cleaners, glitter, stickers, fun stuff!

While Eva slept I curled my hair and did makeup for the first time since she was born. I tried to wear jeans, and could button some up, but they weren't quite comfortable yet. No rush, just thought it would be nice to wear something other than leggings! haha

For Emilia's party, we did the same thing as last year. We had my family over for a sort of social distanced outdoor party in our complex. This year, there were 3 more babies though!! The weather held out for us, though it got a little chilly when the wind picked up. We made it work!

We provided cupcakes and some chips, and everyone else brought their own snacks and drinks. Then we ordered pizza for 5:00 for anyone who stuck around. Mom brought balloon bouquets, and it was a super low stress way to host a birthday party. Perfect!

We were determined to get a nice picture of the three babies together, and Eva had been sleeping for over 2.5 hours, so I went to get her up from her nap inside. I guess she wasn't quite ready to wake up yet! She was an angel the whole party though which was awesome. Woke, ate, and then was passed around and napped the rest of the time pretty much until she was ready to eat again!

Kirsten came out to take a photo of all 15 of us! (15!! Oh my gosh)
We haven't all been together since... Thanksgiving I think we decided. Crazy!

Wheels was a little shy/quiet/overwhelmed at first, but she enjoyed opening presents and playing with them quietly on our blanket while everyone else paid attention to the babies or played hockey with Dom. It was pretty cute!

This poor little honeybee was sitting on my wine bottle, and then in the grass for a while. Dad put it on some flowers and hopefully it was able to regain some energy!

Haha the best family photo of the 5 of us we could get :)

Dom playing hockey with his uncles and dad - what could possibly be any better?!

Eva made the rounds! It was Aunty Aly's first time meeting her :)

Emilia reading her Frozen books and playing with her Frozen toys, and feeling frozen so I wrapped her in blankets

The three babies together at last!

Eva - 3 weeks; Myles - 7 weeks; Phoebe - 6.5 weeks

Phoebe is such a happy girl. 

Aunty Marta's first snuggle with Eva (I think)

Opa joining in the Frozen play

Gramma, Grandpa and Aunty Allana came by as everyone was leaving and brought some gifts, hung out, and helped us clean up (Thank you!)

Testing out Emilia's new Frozen sunglasses. Yeesh my hair is getting long!

Aunty Allana's first snuggle with Eva

Eva saved her wakey time for after everyone left - classic!

This week Dave has decided to take some time off. He really only took a week off from work, and most of that we spent in the hospital, so I have felt sort of thrown into parenting three kids, and have been rather overwhelmed. Today we decided to take the kids to the zoo! It helps that this little lady slept 5.5 hours and then 3.5 hours last night!!! 

Good morning, sunshine!

Stopped for a snack in the under-utilized picnic area

The grizzly siblings were so much bigger than the last time I saw them!

I spy a Dominic peeking through the wagon! We made it the whole way without any major meltdowns, and without any children sitting in the wagon. That's a win!

Tonight's plan... GET VACCINATED!!! Dave and I are going this evening to the Cloverdale Rec Centre to get our vaccinations. I am nervous, but excited!

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