Thursday 13 May 2021

Thankful Thursday - 261

 This week I am thankful for...

1. Emilia's Birthday Party. Why? Yes, to celebrate Emilia turning 3, but also because we got my whole family together for the first time since Thanksgiving! There are 3 new babies and it was so special to get them all together while they're still so little!

2. Doing our part. Dave and I got the text last week that we were eligible to book our COVID vaccines! In hot spots they're vaccinating people 30+. I'm only 29, but I guess it goes by birth year, so 1991 or earlier. Score! We went to Cloverdale Rec Centre on Monday evening and left my mom with all three kids! Can you say date night?! (Not... really not romantic, but still a significant moment!) There were two lineups, plus the wait in the vaccination area. The gymnasium was set up with the two lines and everyone kind of shuffled along. It felt like a movie. Dave said, "This is why they call it herd immunity!" Good one hun. Anyway, after an hour and a half or so we were vaccinated and ready to go! It is a well-oiled machine. They have rows of chairs all spaced with dividers in between. You sit down, and a nurse comes and chats with you, then moves on to the next person. Once she's done, the vaccinator wheels over in their chair to give you your vaccine and another person has a computer on a cart to document everything. They stick a sticky-note on the divider in front of you to tell you when you're allowed to leave (15 minutes after the poke). 
Dave and I both received the Pfizer vaccine, and are due for our second dose in 4 months. We haven't had any side effects other than a sore arm, so grateful for that! 
It was a bit emotional for me actually, finally getting this done. It is so much easier to see the light when you know in a couple weeks (when vaccine does its thing) you'll be protected against this phenomenon that's been taking over your life the last year and a half. What a freaking journey this has been. 

Who's going to appreciate the fact that the sticker perfectly matched the colour on Dave's Grizzlies tshirt!

3. Baby-wearing.
Some days the littlest one is just fussier than others. She's overall a very good baby, but if she doesn't get down for a nap in time she sort of demands to be held. Sounds like a pretty typical newborn to me. That's not always possible with two other kids, a dog, and a household, but baby-wearing makes it possible! If she's refusing to nap I throw her in there and it's a rescue nap!

Dude Dads just dad-ing it up! Got their beers and their babies! 

Or if we're out and about like at the zoo! I love how the wrap just bundles into a little ball and easily fits in the diaper bag. When she's bigger we have the Ergo as well :)

Not baby-wearing, but cute picture of Dave with Eva <3

4. SLEEP! Eva slept through the night already on Tuesday night! She slept from 1015-530am. That's the longest stretch of no nursing since she was born. I was bursting... she was drowning/sputtering... lol. I don't expect that to happen often, but lately her pattern is to give us a good 5 hr stretch of sleep, and then another 3-4 hour stretch at night. 

This is a screenshot from a video I got of her giving me all sorts of smiles! They're elusive; usually just 1-2 smile sessions per day right now, but she's not even 4 weeks old yet, so I'll take it! Gosh she is so different from her siblings! She has a more mature face I feel like... Or something.

5. Preschool! Preschool was shut down for 2 weeks due to a COVID exposure, but it opened back up this week. The kids haven't been to preschool since Eva was born. Or only one time the day we were in the hospital with the postpartum bleeding. I have been looking forward to this. I got so much done on Tuesday when they were both at school and Eva was napping, and then today Emilia and I got to spend some time together while Dom was at school and Eva was napping! We did a craft with some supplies Rebecca got her for her birthday. Glitter. Everywhere!

Mine is a little more conventional... haha

Testing out her new baby carrier

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