Wednesday 12 May 2021

Emilia - 3 Years

Our little Wheelia is 3 today! Hard to believe! She is an absolute firecracker, and we love her so much! I'm so grateful for all the time we've spent together this last crazy year!

Dom at 3 years
38lbs and 39.5 inches

Weight: 28.2 lbs (25th percentile)
Height: 38 inches (70th percentile)

Tall and lean... wonder where she gets that from haha.


  • Wearing size 3T clothing, size 3-4T Pull-ups at night, size 7/8 shoes
  • She's in preschool! Started in January 2021, and loves it. She goes just on Thursdays from 9-1. She was the youngest in the class for a while, but potty-trained in December just so that she could go to preschool. 
  • She is a little miss-mommy and takes care of her doll in many of the same ways I take care of Eva. 
  • She's adjusting to the big sister role pretty well for a 3-year-old, and often asks to hold Eva, though only until she starts fussing, then she's "all done! Eva is crying, so I'm all done!". 
  • All the drama! She pulls these faces when she's upset, rolls her eyes, and performs for us. She definitely has some spunk!
  • She loves Frozen, and loves Elsa in particular (as most toddler girls do at some point!). She wears her "Elsa dress" and insists everyone call her Elsa, and she runs around for half an hour belting out the soundtrack. She also gets into Elsa character acting out the actions to the songs. 
  • She has a fondness for Cars and Star Wars as well. Dom can be thanked for that! They spend a lot of time lately playing "Racing Cars", and pretending to be Lightning McQueen, Storm, King, Chick Hicks (which comes out as Hick Dicks and makes me laugh), Cruise, and Luigi/Guido of course. We also catch them upstairs with Dom t
  • She's proud of herself for all the cars she knows... she can list off "truck, van, car, racing car." Haha... great job, sweetie! We can't compare with Dom here. 
  • She has a great memory for song lyrics. As mentioned above with the cars, she doesn't have the same pattern recognition/photographic memory as Dom seems to, but her brain is still so smart! It's interesting to see how they differ. 
  • She can do 36 piece puzzles on her own.
  • She is such a goof. Dom is a typical oldest child - responsible, old soul, rule follower, etc. Emilia just marches to the beat of her own drum and doesn't care what anyone thinks. 
  • She likes to pretend and do imaginative, independent play much more now. This is awesome timing for having a new baby in the house. Lots of quiet Wheelia time when Dom lets her. 
  • Her vocabulary and speech has improved greatly and she is actually pretty understandable and uses smart words more and more often. 
  • Before we had Eva, we moved her into Dom's room, and she's sleeping in the bottom "bunk" of Dom's bed. She sleeps great in there actually, and naps in the nursery crib for nap time because Dom is having quiet time in their room. Every night when we go to get ready for bed she asks, "Is me sleeping in Dom's room?" We say, "Yes, of course! Your sleeping in your big girl bed in yours and Dom's room!" and she gets so excited every time.
    • We have (had) a light in her bed she could turn on while they chatted in the evening, but we found a few too many nights that she'd turn it back on after Dom fell asleep and be playing quietly in her bed till 9:00 or whenever we noticed. Suuuuuper sweet and cute, but also meant a more tired Emilia the next day which isn't a lot of fun. 
  • She's a good eater most of the time, as long as we don't apply any pressure. She'll pick spinach salad and medium-rare steak over grilled cheese. She'll pick buddha bowls with roasted vegetables, feta, walnuts, kale, etc. over grilled cheese. 
    • Favourite foods: tortellini soup, pizza, buddha bowls, korean beef, tortellini in general, annie noodles.
  • We haven't worked with her on her numbers and letters so I actually don't know which letters she can recognize, but I do know she can sing the whole alphabet. 
  • She can count to 10 no problem, and then gets most of the numbers up to 20. 
  • She enjoys arts and crafts, but rarely does them at home because her and Dom play together 90% of the time, and he's not into that stuff at all. 
  • She is a people pleaser and if she asks to try something, or insists she wants something, even if she doesn't end up liking it she'll pretend she does. She doesn't want to disappoint anyone. Ex. "Mommy, me want a sip of your wine/beer!" "Well.... okay sure you can have a little sip." *takes sip and makes a face that says DISGUSTING!* "Mmm... me like it!" *proceeds to walk away and guzzle her water to get the taste out of her mouth*. 
  • She also tends to bury her sad emotions if she's embarrassed or hurt. She'll do anything she can to not show them. I often have to remind her that it's okay to cry or feel embarrassed or sad and then she'll release. If she's uncomfortable or nervous she will just lay/sit there and stare into space pretending it's not happening. Haha... she also comes by this honestly. Mama's girl. 

Tell us how you really feel, Emilia


So sweet

Haha this face.

They're weird :)

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