Tuesday 26 January 2021

28 Weeks (CLEAR LANDLINE PHONE) - 3.0: Jan 19-25


  • If you're feeling confused by the size comparisons, remember it's an obscure list of 80's and 90's nostalgia haha.  
  • I can't decide if I'm as big as I feel or not. Some days I feel totally ginormous (like when my maternity clothes don't fit already), but then I see a picture and I'm like, "Oh that's not so scary...). It will get scary though. I remember what I looked like at 40 weeks with Emilia... SCARY!
  • I have started noticing more frequent Braxton hicks contractions. They're not painful, just feel like pressure and tightening. They occur most often if I'm sitting in one spot too long, walking too long, or if I have to pee. 
  • Baby is big enough now that I can sometimes map its position (I think). It flips and flops and isn't always clear, but the other evening in bed Dave and I figured it out. Could feel the whole leg, butt, and foot. So crazy!
  •  Lots of hiccups for baby, and heartburn for me. 
  • Lots of SI Joint pain in my right hip/tailbone. This is more familiar with my previous pregnancies. I think I'll try to get to the chiropractor and see if she can fix me up and I can try to maintain it. It may just be my life now. Started later than with Dom & Emilia, so I'll be happy with that.  
  • I'm starting to feel a bit nervous/anxious about this change of pace of life that is coming. I am really enjoying where things are at with work, preschool, home life, David's work, freedom, children and their independence, etc. I am anxious to start this whole process over again and put myself and most everything else on the backburner for months. 
  • I think about labour and delivery often. I think we're getting a doula, but haven't been assigned one yet. In my head, labour will be just like Emilia's, but maybe even quicker. fantasize about it, and the pictures we may get at the hospital. I then switch over to being nervous about arranging childcare, getting to the hospital in time, or having a long/difficult/complicated labour. I've been lucky so far, and mostly I'm just visualizing the best, but I'm also a realist... 
  • Glad I got my glucose testing out of the way... I've been eating a lot of mini eggs and chocolate caramel ice cream. Way more sweets than my norm. 

Now for some of Dom's precious belly photos, and some more bare belly shots of me! 

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