Monday 18 January 2021

The Zoo

The kids ask quite frequently when we're going to the zoo again. It actually sounds more like Dom saying, "Mommy, we haven't gone to the zoo in a while..." I mean it's been winter, and this fair-weather Mom doesn't love the idea of lugging two toddlers around a cold/wet zoo. 

That being said, we were thinking about what to do for David's mom's birthday which is this Wednesday, and Dave suggested we see if they want to meet up at the zoo! We checked in with his family to see who'd be interested, and much to my surprise, Gramma, Grandpa, Rachel, Kyle, Rebecca, and the four of us could make it! We went on Sunday morning and it turned out to be a great way to spend time together while being COVID-safe. Some wore masks, the rest kept our distance, and really it was no different than walking amongst the other zoo-goers.

We bundled up and got there just after opening at 9am. We brought our single stroller and the wagon to lug all our stuff around (if you know me, you know I'm not one to under-pack) and I have no regrets! Dom rode his bike for a while and walked the rest of the way with very little complaining! Emilia spent most of the time in the stroller, until Dom took over 2 minutes before getting to the van and then it was meltdown time. It was past naptime and she was very tired. 

We all sort of moved at our own pace around the zoo, but stuck mainly in the same areas. We let the kids play a bit together because we're not monsters! I love seeing their love for each other, and regret they've missed out on so much relationship building the last 10 months. I grew up with tons of cousins and we spent much our childhoods together; school, weekends, summers, holidays, etc. I want that for my kids too! 

I don't have many pictures from the zoo because I had hands full and gloves on most of the time. It was chilly, but it didn't rain on us, so that's a win I'd say!

You KNOW I brought our picnic blanket just for this reason - eating lunch on the benches at the black bears. Also, my jacket will BARELY do up anymore... I still have 3 months to go in this pregnancy. Ruh roh.

Dom showing Emilia where to find Arun, the red panda. 

I'm so grateful we decided to do this yesterday. I'm not ashamed to admit my desire to not do things when it's cold and wet outside. I have a lot of strengths when it comes to parenting... being fun when it's cold and wet is NOT one of them. Sorry my west coast children! That's what cool dads, uncles/aunts, and grandparents are for!

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