Thursday 21 January 2021

Thankful Thursday - 249

Feeling hopeful for the future of the world with the USA entering a new chapter this week. President Biden and Vice President Harris were sworn in with little drama this week, and already have started taking climate action and trying to set things right that have been challenging over the last 4 years. It's a long road, but it feels like there's some hope! 

Speaking of hope, let's all have TONS of hope for the BC COVID numbers to stay low/decrease further so maybe we can have something to look forward to at the February 5 update. 

This is what else I'm thankful for this week...

1. Tuesdays. I love and cherish my Tuesdays right now. This is the day that both kids are in preschool. I drop them off at 9, pick them up at 1, and then Dom is in quiet time until 2/2:30, while Emilia takes an extended nap until around 3:30 lately. So much freedom and me time!!! This Tuesday was gorgeous and sunny. I got some work done, did my workout, ate lunch with Dave, watched a show with a cup of hot tea, and started this blog post! Winning!

I even had time to put some makeup on before my belly photos this Tuesday. Dom was up, but kept himself occupied. 

The sweetest boy. He sat for 15 minutes on Tuesday and just felt the baby kick. He loves playing with baby - for now. We'll see how sentiments change when he/she is born! Haha. 

2. The energy that sunshine provides. Monday was beautiful! I did a new workout, and then took Sherlock for a 4.5 km walk. My body paid for it later, but I spent the evening sitting on the heating bag and stretching. I could think of worse things!

3. Intentional date nights. We just recently decided that Dave and I are going to start doing date nights on Sunday nights. It is just intentional time spent together. This past Sunday we got sushi after the kids went to bed, then went downstairs and watched a movie while I did a puzzle. I don't know why it took us so long to start doing this, but I just realized that we spend every. single. night. together at home... with just the two of us... Why are we not being intentional with at least one of these nights?! Maybe getting so large and really feeling third-trimester-y made me realize that our time of these nights all alone with all this freedom to do what we want are limited! Soon we'll have a noisy demanding little being to deal run our lives.

4. Hockey season is back. I could honestly not care less about the actual hockey season. But what it does mean, is that we can have guilt free evenings of sitting in the theatre and "watching hockey" which is really just David yelling at the wall while I puzzle, blog, work or crochet and eat mini eggs. Could be worse! The picture here is from an evening where Dave had to work, so it's a bad representation of the hockey season, but that's okay haha. 

Yes, I watch everything with subtitles. Ever since Dom was a screaming newborn I have switched to subtitles and have a hard time watching without!

5. Dom's smart brain. I was working on my Shutterfly book and he came down early from quiet time. He knows/tries not to bother me, so he grabbed his Lego X-Wing and asked me to get him the instructions (or "constructions" as he calls them). I gave them to him, and he proceeded to take the entire thing apart - every single piece - and re-build it following the steps in the instruction booklet. This has now become his thing, and he doesn't need any help, but it keeps him and his brain active for a long time. Hallelujah! Loving this Lego and Playmobil season of life already! 

The little playmobil corner

Also just caught Emilia playing Lego with the instructions out, too. Copying big brother <3

And here I leave you with some more pregnancy photos because this is my life now haha. 
This is me, at 6 months pregnant, outgrowing my maternity sweaters already... send help! Literally things that were baggy two weeks ago hardly zip up now. Ahhhh!

This is me living in my real life mess at 28 weeks, feeling stronger and in better shape than ever!

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