Wednesday 15 January 2020


It has been incredibly hard to find time for blogging, lettering, etc. etc. again. Back to work it seems! I've been working more from home this week due to snow, but still have a lot to catch up on!

What we've been up to lately...
A lot of time inside due to the snow and freeeeeezing temperatures (feels like -15 some days). It's hard to get out to walk the dog because even he's not used to that and started holding up his paws and limping around haha. 

Last Saturday evening I decided to be fun and spontaneous and suggested we make waffles and smoothies for dinner and eat them by candle-light. The kids thought it was pretty special. Emilia kept singing "Happy New Year" (that's how she sings Happy Birthday) because of the candles <3

Dave and I have been home a lot with either no plans or cancelled plans, so we spent an evening watching Pirates and playing crokinole. Dave was undefeated... we played far too many games as I decided I wanted to win at least one. It didn't happen. 

The poor hummingbirds. Our feeder keeps freezing. I try my best to keep liquid out there for them to drink, and when I replaced it the other day this one bird that had been hanging around all day zoomed up and drank for a few minutes straight. Glad I could help! I feel so bad for those little tiny creatures.

Dom hadn't napped in a week, opting for "Quiet time" instead. One day I napped during quiet time, and woke up to it being too quiet. I checked the monitor, and found he had undressed and crawled under all his blankets on his bed and went to sleep. I guess he also realized it was time for a nap! Haha

My text to David including a diagram of how he was sleeping.

Today we woke up to 8 inches of snow! I was expecting 4 inches tops. I borrowed Mom & Dad's Subaru, because I missed work on Monday due to ICY streets (I got turned around and sent home at 72 and 184). I had to go into work. About 20 minutes after I got there I got an email from my boss saying not to come in. Oh well. I had a very productive couple hours before going back home to have a snow day!

Scott & Ashleigh came over as they also had snow days. We made waffles for lunch and then got decked out to go in the snow! I quickly realized I hadn't bought snow gear for the kids. We hardly ever get snow here, so I refuse to spend money on it. Then I remembered we still had a snowsuit we got for Dom the first year he didn't get to wear, and it happened to fit Emilia perfectly. She wore his pants, his jackets, and his dinosaur boots. Oh well!

This is me frantically trying to find snow gear

Dom somehow magically fit into some random snow pants and boots that were handed down to us. He wears a size 9-10 shoe, and the boots were a 7 so I almost didn't even bother trying. I didn't have any other options, so I thought we might as well, and as it turns out they fit perfectly. Not sure how that works...

Side note... we plan to potty train this weekend. Wish us luck!

Dom was so so excited to go outside. Of course, once we got out there, he was less thrilled. Emilia was also excited, and also timid about the deep snow. We got out the wagon/sleigh and pulled them around a bit. That was more their style! Haha

Then while they napped/had quiet time, we all bundled up and watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (well I napped, they watched it... haha). 

A fun, full day, and more snow to come tonight!

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