Thursday 11 July 2019

Thankful Thursday - 189

I have received a lot of positive feedback on my blog the last week or two, which I still find hilarious! To me it's just my way of documenting my life, but it's also a way for people we don't see often or who live away from here to keep up with us!

I haven't been keeping up with the blog, so this is both a Thankful Thursday and an update on my life. 

This week I'm thankful for...

1. Lettering. I know I've mentioned this before, but I've been really enjoying it and it is my choice "introverting" activity lately. 

The colors aren't really showing up well on here. If you want to see for real, you can go to my instagram. @unorthodox_leftie_lettering

I did this one during a nap time and my brain was hurting so bad I felt like I needed a nap after!

Seriously. Zen-doodling is so relaxing! Although I'm always a little scared of messing up. (The not-straight lines in the Z are killing me slowly haha)

2. Nap Times! The only reason lettering is possible right now is nap time and the kids going to bed at 7pm every night. We are doing our own makeup for Scott & Ashleigh's wedding this August, so I decided to play around with it a little the other day. Did some research on how to properly make up my face shape and eye shape. I hate selfies, but loved feeling gussied up! (even though my hair was greasy and in a mom-bun...)

Could this BE any more awkward?! Oh yes... it can... as I was taking these awkward selfies the window washing man drove his ladder tractor right by the window and definitely saw me. Thank goodness I was fully clothed! Haha!

Still loving the toddler bed! People make a big deal of this transition, but with Dom it was easy. A total non-issue. He occasionally talks and plays through his nap time, but that's nothing new. He's currently sitting in bed nicely reading a book instead of napping. I'll allow it. At least he's having quiet time.

3. David. Work as been slow. Like really slow... like winter season slow. We are feeling a little stressed, but there are still things on the horizon, so we're making the best of it and thinking positively. While it's an adjustment having Dave in the house much of the time (take that how you will haha!), it's really nice to spend the time together as a family when he's not working. He works so hard. It will work out, I have confidence in that. 

After seeing this, Dom would now like to eat spinach so he can be strong and push cars like Daddy. I didn't even have a second thought as we walked past a broken down car on Fraser Highway that Dave was going to help. I just put my hand out for the dog's leash and kept on walking haha. That's just the kind of guy he is!

Making memories with Dom

And the little one of course

We've been scratching things off the to do list, too! Like finishing up the painting (behind a cabinet) and FINALLY (almost 4 years later) staining the tables to go behind our couch.

Gosh these look better. We also ordered some honeycomb shelves from a local lady for that wall that will be stained in the same color <3

4. A new friend <3 Isabella Rose Richard was born last Thursday and I'm so excited for Ashley & Brian. 

This was last Friday. I need to see this squish again! They change so fast.

5. Family with Farms! There was a Kimber family gathering at David's Aunt & Uncle's house/farm in Abbotsford last weekend. I'm so embarrassed that most of them have never even met our kids. Man I'm lame! Anyway, the kids both loved it there, and it was a beautiful day, and so nice to catch up with the family!

Dom still talking about riding the tractor and seeing cows and baby turkeys and eating blueberries!

Rocks and a pond? Every little boy's heaven!

Playing farm at the farm

Seriously so beautiful.

Run Run Run and Explore!

6. Free Hot Wheels Tracks!! Aunty Sonya came over last weekend and brought some Hot Wheels tracks she got from a neighbour. This one is bulky and loud, but both the kids love playing with it so it's set up in our living room for a week now haha!

Oh man. I love our white walls.

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