Friday 12 July 2019

Kids Say

Well. We are overdue for one of these guys! This is the last two months of weird things that Dom said.  

Dom playing with his Obi Wan Kenobi toy, who lost a hand.
D: He's missing a hand! It's okay Mommy... it happens.

Reading a book
D: Oh yeaaaaaa!!! Check it OUT!

Wrestling with Dad when Dom notices his pants fell down.
D: Och! Me pants! *exactly like a Scotsman*

Me: Dom, do you know what's in a camel's hump?
D: umm... a baby camel?

Reading a book with Dom and I smells something.
Me: Dom, did you fart?
D: No. It was the fly...

Sherlock has a drip of drool stuck to his nose.
D: Mommy, Sherlock has a nipple!

Watching a music video for church on YouTube. All quiet and serene and suddenly...
*It was not Opa, and Opa does not play the bass!*

Dom started playing "church" all by himself randomly. He was playing his guitar and then stops to say, "GOOD MORNING!" Like they do in church. The plays another song, puts the guitar down, says, "Let's pray....... Amen. Another song!"

I notice our music has turned off. 
D: Google! Turn the music back on!
We just recently got a Google Home. What a world our kids will grow up in, you just yell demands/questions at the walls and things happen...

Dom is driving his van on the tape parking lot on the table that I made. 
D: Mommy, Dominic playing with the van mat!
Like our car mat, but because he's playing with a van he called it a van mat!

Out for a walk and Dom sees some dirt on his toe. 
D: Mommy! There's some donut on my toe!

After coming home from a hot day.
Me: Whew! Mommy's stinky!

D: Oh hunny. Change Mommy's diaper.

D: Bye Mommy! Daddy and Dom are gonna head out!

Dave and I are discussing how someone on the road is a bad driver.
D: Silly Daddy! Daddy's a bad driver!

I'm folding laundry.

Dom looking for me in the house.
D: Hey BABE?!

Morning after a late night for Dom.
D: I'm having a day. I'm just tired.

Dave: Dom, what do you want to be when you grow up?
D: Uncle Scott! 

D: My foot has an owie.
Dave: Oh. What is it?
Dom points to his foot: A little fucker
Dave: What?
D: A little fucker
Dave calls me in to investigate.
Me: Dom, what's wrong with your foot? 
D: A little fucker
Me:..................... a prickle?

Dom burps
Me: Nice burp dude!
D (thinking he's repeating me): That's bird poo!

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