Thursday 4 July 2019

Thankful Thursday - 188

This week I am thankful for...

1. A successful transition. On Tuesday I very randomly decided to switch Dom's crib into a toddler bed. So far the transition has been pretty close to flawless. Smoother than I imagined. He's had two naps in there without incident and the first night was absolutely perfect. Last night the monitor for some reason stopped scanning between Em and Dom, and just got stuck on Emilia. I turned it back to Dom when I woke up this morning and found he wasn't in his bed. A brief second of panic before I realized he was laying on the floor beside his bed. Oh dear... I really hope he wasn't freaking out overnight. I have a feeling he just slithered out at some point and it wasn't traumatic!

He is soooooo proud of his "big boy bed".

Emilia grabbed her blankie and crawled up into bed with Dom while they were playing in his room. She is such a snuggler.

2. A positive swimming experience! I can't believe I'm saying this! The day we switched beds for Dom, I wanted to make sure he was good and tired before bed, so my parents came to Fleetwood pool with all of us. I'm embarrassed to say we haven't been to a public pool since Dom was 4 months old... Bad me. Anyway, Dom lost his mind in the change room and walking into the pool area, but quickly warmed up and after 45 minutes was standing in chest deep water and splashing and playing with us! Emilia was a natural. She was a little nervous at first (likely feeding off Dom's energy), but tried very hard to be tough, and ended up being quite relaxed and comfortable. At least much more than I expected. She actually kept letting go of my hands and trying to walk in the deep (almost to her neck) water all by herself. Oh Yaya... my little adventurer. She's going to keep us on our toes for sure. 
No pictures because... public pool, but here's one of Dom after I turned my head while he was coloring. Let it be noted he hasn't tried to eat markers in probably a year. I blame Emilia, our little marker muncher, for making him think it was funny again. 

I could not take him seriously the whole day. I laughed so hard every time I looked at him or he said something. 

3. Another trip to the zoo!! We met up with Rachel & Rebecca yesterday afternoon at the zoo. We went from 4-7, and the weather was perfect! That is definitely the time to go! The animals were active and everyone was happy. More on the zoo trip to come! The pictures I post in the real zoo blog will be from David's camera. He took some AMAZING photos.

4. A date. David's work has been slow, we've been very busy, and we hadn't had a date in 2.5 months. Alas, we were able to get out and be grown ups for a while on Monday. It was so needed. Now let's have David's work pick up!!

5. Storytime in the park. They don't do Storytime or Tot Romp over the summer, but they had a storytime in the park today at Hazelgrove. Nice cool day for it. Better than last year when it was blazing hot!

Pulled up a piece of concrete for his snack.

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