Tuesday 9 July 2019

Emilia - 14 Months

Emilia is 14 months old! I keep calling her 9 months old. I guess my brain is stuck. If she was Dom, I'd be 7 months pregnant. I am very grateful that is not the case right now and I can focus on these two big littles for now!

Dominic at 14 Months. What a bald CHUNK!

Weight: 21.4 lb (65th percentile)
Height: 30 inches (50th percentile) - it's hard to measure height of a 14 month old...


  • Music. She just loves to dance and sing, this little nugget.
  • Her blanket. 
  • Accessorizing. \she brings me hats, bows, sunglasses and shoes to dress up and strut around.


  • Strangers.

  • She is wearing size 12-18 month clothing, size 3 shoes, and size 4 diapers
  • She still has only 6 teeth. Three on the top, three on the bottom. She is such a slow teether!
  • What we call her: Emilia, Yaya, Wheelia, and Linus (like from Charlie Brown). 
  • She doesn't talk or have as many words as Dom did at this age, but I'm not concerned. She will say a couple words that we (I) can understand: daddy (daaaaa da), Dom (DA!), Ya (most frequently used word), wow, no (na), hi (mostly only when she sees an animal), banana (nana), this (dis), that (dat). 
  • She says "awwwwww! hiiiii!" when a picture of Sherlock comes up on our TV.
  • Although she doesn't talk much, she communicates well. If she's hungry/thirsty she will go to the cupboard and grab a plate or cup and point to what she wants (pantry for snack, fridge for milk, yogurt or fruit) and say, "ya! ya! ya!" If she wants a snuggle she will grab her blanket and come over with her arms up.
  • She has lots of animal sounds all of a sudden though, some of which she will do on her own without prompting! Elephant (raspberry), gorilla (thumping chest), lion (raaaaa), bunny (finger in mouth and smacks lips), fish (fishy face), turtle (puts her hands together like the tiny turtle song), monkey (ah ah ah!), dog (ruf ruf ruf), pig (scrunchy face)
  • She's always asking me to sing songs for her and sings along, does actions (in her own way), and/or dances.
  • She is a wonderful snuggler. Her blanket has suddenly become a very important comfort item. She carries it around everywhere.
  • Down to 1 bottle per day before bed. 
  • She copies faces we make. She's trying to frown, but doesn't quite have the muscle control yet, so she just stares very intensely, which is almost scarier!
  • She is impatient if she can't keep up with Dom. She is very adventurous, and beyond her age with physical abilities. 
  • She has recently started to really get into rough-housing and will instigate a wrestling match with Dad and/or Dom.
  • She thinks she's HILARIOUS and cackles like a crazy woman. Ever since she was a newborn I've said that she looks like a crazy cat lady when she smiles. It hasn't changed. She's nuts for sure. Yesterday we were sitting on the couch reading a book and she burped and BURST out laughing. Like a full blown belly laugh. All on her own. She kills me.
  • She gives high-fives.
  • She's a great eater when she feels like eating. The rest of the time she sneaks food off the table to the dog *rolling my eyes*
  • While she dislikes strangers, she's quick to give coy little smiles.
  • She will typically overreact if Dom overreacts. Let's say... she goes to play cars with him and he shoves her away. She will cry like he hurt her in the hopes that he will get in trouble. It's worked in the past, but we're starting to figure her out. So it begins...
  • Dom definitely acts out when he's jealous. And then she acts out because she's jealous. I struggle a lot some days because they both demand 100% of my attention a lot of the time. Today has been one of those days! Haha
A Typical Day:

0700: Wake up
0730: Oatmeal with honey and cinnamon, banana and milk
9/930: Snack
1100: Lunch
1200: Nap
230/300: Wake up
330: Snack (usually cheese, crackers, and some sort of fruit or vegetable)
500: Dinner (whatever we're eating)
700: Bedtime!

Such posture.

The size difference between these two! Haha. People out in public never think they're only 16 months apart.

He's so cute. He also grew an inch since last month... 38.5 inches now. We almost HAVE to switch him forward facing in the car (maxes out at 40 inches and 40lb). He is supposed to be the ring bearer at Scott & Ashleigh's wedding next month. We'll have to get him a suit. I have a sneaky suspicion I'll end up carrying a kicking toddler down the aisle, but at least he'll look handsome! Haha! 

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