Thursday 22 November 2018

Thankful Thursday - 158

This week I am thankful for...

1. "Bo Bo Moma." We told Dom yesterday that we were going to visit Great Oma, or Omama. The whole way there he was saying "Bo Bo Moma". I love hearing his interpretations of what we're saying. We had a lovely visit with Oma, and I look forward to doing this more often. David was able to come as well because his work is... nonexistant (sad face). Also, this week Oma made us meatballs and gravy to enjoy! They fed us for a few days, and were so so delicious and appreciated!

Dom helped clean Oma's patio without us even asking! 

2. Visitors. It's been far too long since we had Rachel and Rebecca over. They came for a little bit the other day and it was adorable to see Em and Rebecca together. Emilia is dwarfed by her chunky cousin. Emilia was rolling all over the place and terrorizing her poor cousin pulling her hair. Just the beginning of us breaking up their little spats I'm sure ;).

3. Mom wins. It has been amazing having David home a lot more lately. The one benefit of him not having work right now. I keep reminding us that this Spring when his work gets crazy we will be looking back on these days very fondly. While he's home much more, I still have to come up with ways for the kids to be entertained.

Trying to cook dinner and she would not let me put her down while Dave was out. Desperate times... Questionable Mom "Win" haha.

Loving this!! Putting our TV box to good use! He spends long chunks of time scribbling and drawing family members. 

4. Dom's nurturing behaviour. He has very recently become attached to his baby doll, "Baby". He often goes through the motions with his baby that we do with him. For example, "baby pee," where he'll bring his baby to the potty and sit her on it and show her a magazine just like we do when he uses the potty. *used... he is no longer interested for himself*. He also brought his baby all the way upstairs and did half of the bedtime routine that we do with him, with his baby. So adorable!! Today he helped me give Emilia her bottle even!

I was sitting beside him pumping, so he went and grabbed a pump and tried to join in.

5. So blessed to have this little girl! Love this stage. Although a little worried she's going to be crawling soon. She is trying, but doesn't quite have the upper body strength. She can certainly get where she wants to go though. Yikes!

I have kind of fallen off the whole blogging thing. It's hard when my days are mundane and repetitive. Not a whole lot of excitement happening around here, just lots of family time!

This is how I spend my time. Greasy hair up, leggings on, sweater on, no make-up. Life sure has changed! (Just kidding, if I had my way I'd wear leggings and sweaters all day every day; I'd just shower more often.

1 comment:

  1. My hair has never been so greasy all the time either - and I only have one baby!! ha! (and my outfit is usually just pj's... unless I go out... then it's leggings!)
