Thursday 15 November 2018

Thankful Thursday - 157

This rainy Thursday I'm thankful for...

1. Emilia sitting up independently. I think this is the best/easiest stage. Not crawling or walking or talking yet, but happy to sit and play with toys independently for quite a while. Just today she started reliably sitting up and I don't have to worry about her toppling after 30 seconds. It gives so many more options for toys she can play with. The downside? Dom keeps trying to hug her (aka knock her over) and sit on her lap (aka crush her).

2. These giggles. This was just before putting her down for her nap today. Good golly was she ever adorable! The video is crap because I was just focused on capturing the audio.

3. The kids are in bed by 7pm every night. I feel so lucky that we can have our nights off together every single night. It makes it super easy to find sitters (they just have to sit on the couch and eat snacks and watch Netflix) and it gives us something to look forward to. Maybe sounds bad, but all day I mentally count down to 7pm. Freedom!!

4. Moss removal. I strongly dislike the fact that they keep waking up my kids from their naps with their ladders and trucks and lifts and scraping. However, I do enjoy watching Dom get SO excited to watch the "boo tata" (Blue tractor) when their green lift comes by. 

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