Thursday 13 September 2018

Thankful Thursday - 148

This week has been one of the tougher ones I've had in a while. I discovered on Monday that Emilia hasn't gained weight in 2 months (literally 1.5 oz in two months... babies are supposed to gain 1-2 POUNDS per month at this age). She's really really happy and developing as expected, but this was kind of disconcerting. I'm not too worried about it, and we have a Dr appointment next week to check on things, but it has made feeding her much more time consuming. I now have to feed her for 5-10 minutes on each side (or however long until she gives up because she's frustrated with my low supply), and then pump for 5-10 minutes on each side and then give her a bottle of formula to supplement. All while a toddler is terrorizing the house or driving cars on our head or screaming for attention (or occasionally playing nicely... or watching TV; let's be realistic here). 
Here's hoping I can get my supply up and Emilia can gain lots of weight and that we can continue to breastfeed without supplementing with formula. 

Anywho, that is why I haven't posted in a week; been a little preoccupied. 

This is what I'm thankful for today. 

1. Sibling Love. Dominic is all of a sudden very into Emilia and entertaining her. She is the first thing he asks for when he gets up in the morning. He tries to play with her and plays peekaboo which is pretty adorable. Can't decide if I'm excited for or dreading when they start playing together and sharing and fighting and conspiring against me haha. 

Trying to take a picture of Emilia's outfit and Dom had to get in there too. His shirt is actually David's from when he was a kid!

2. Drying Rack! I try not to put a lot of Em and Dom's clothes in the dryer; especially Dom's because they shrink and I refuse to move him up out of 3T into 4T clothing. I used to just hang their clothes over the side of a laundry basket, over the door, or over my drawers in the dresser. It looked really messy. Finally we ordered an over-the-door drying rack so it can fold flat out of the way when we're not using it. Hooray!

I love that it doesn't take up floor real estate!

3. Gifts in the mail. We got (another) gift from our realtors, Greg & Liz Holmes, for referring Elissa & Michael to them! A gorgeous gift box with all sorts of local(ish) made goodies! 

4. Gender neutral outfits. I don't have many outfits from Dom that are gender neutral because we knew we were having a boy. Em definitely wears some of his boy clothes, but I remembered this adorable outfit that was sent from Holland for Dom. Here is Em at 4 months and Dom at 2.5 months wearing it. Yes, he is SO much bigger than her haha. 

5. Moma & Popa. My parents elected to be called Oma & Opa, but Dom has other ideas. I introduce to you Moooooh-ma & Poh-pa.

6. Seeing life through the eyes of a toddler.  

Stopping to admire the dandelions

Holding hands with Daddy as we go to Spirit Halloween. He was a little unsure of the big moving creatures, but overall did very well!

And of course, trying to snuggle the fur-baby

And succeeding

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