Tuesday 18 September 2018


I have been very absent from the blog, but that doesn't mean life isn't still happening; I just haven't made the time to document and write. I just don't feel like there's been much blog-worthy.

I've been wearing myself out with breastfeeding and pumping and supplementing and increasing my supply. I think it's working though, so I've started to relax a bit. We have Emilia's Dr. appointment in a couple days and that should confirm, but I have noticed a little roll starting on her thighs and upper arms!

Instead of blogging or social media-ing during naptimes, I've taken up crocheting like a regular old granny. I sit for a bit (if the kids allow) and crochet while watching Outlander. Since I just started crocheting, I'm working on a big granny-square. It'll probably be a blanket for Emilia, but maybe if I get quick and keep enjoying it I'll start doing it more often and try more difficult patterns at some point. 

Life has been pretty business as usual around here. I'm home with the kids, David's working lots, we've been really busy in the evenings so are trying to take it easier this week. 

OH!!! Dom has decided he no longer wants to poop in diapers! The other day after his nap he pointed to his diaper and made a fart sound, and then said "Poppy" which apparently means potty. He has often thought it was fun to sit on the potty and read books, so I obliged. Well! It turns out he actually had to poop! I couldn't believe it! He was so casual about it. Like he's been doing it for years. When he was done, he signed "all done" got some TP and put it in the toilet, pointed to the sink to wash his hands. I was very excited, but figured it was a fluke. Then the next day he did the same thing! We are not actively potty training, but if he initiates it I'll definitely keep encouraging it!

Proud boy on the potty. When did he become such a boy?!

Playing Rumoli with Gramma. Dom now has names for Gramma and Grandpa! Mama and Bapa respectively :)

She's so petite <3

My happy walking buddies

Lots of fun in the jolly jumper

He is obsessed with the salt grinder lately.

I guess his love carries over into being a good little Dutch boy. Enjoying some dropjes with Mom

Nom nom nom

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