Monday 28 August 2017

Weekend Goings-On

Yet another full weekend for our little family! 

Saturday morning we went to visit Shel and Sherlock's sister, Charlotte. She has puppies 4 weeks ago and we were invited over for snuggles! Ohhhh my goodness. I cannot even describe the cuteness. This is the best age. They're between house hippos and piranhas. They spent a lot of time sleeping, but I got to snuggle each of them. Three girls and a boy: Fern, Joy, Nellie and Wilbur <3

Life can't get much better!


Dom was in heaven

Yummy toes!

Saturday was also Sherlock's 3rd birthday. We didn't get him his ice cream cone (still have to do that), but we did get him a treat ball toy he loves!

Sherlock doing what he does best...

In the afternoon/evening we went to a surprise birthday BBQ for Brent! Amy pulled it off and he knew there was a BBQ, but didn't know about all the guests or the birthday cake! Desiree and Bobby hosted at their house, and boy do they have a property for hosting! Absolutely gorgeous home and a huge fenced backyard. It's my dream!

We need to do a re-do of  photo from when Dom & Isla were just tiny, and Eli was like 3.5 months old!

He's got the beer thing figured out!

Sunday our Dom turned 8 months old and he slept in, so we skipped church, but it was really nice to just have some time with the three of us. That rarely happens as we often have plans or David is working. We went for a walk, tidied up the house, and just hung out together. 

This is what happens when you go straight from a nap to plopping him down for photos. He is not a cute crier, which I enjoy because it makes it easier to find humor in his whining. 

And this is what happens when Mom plays peek-a-boo behind the camera to get him to stop crying. 

Oh! And this weekend I finished painting our patio set! This is the one we got from a garage sale for $20. We sanded it all down and I primed and painted the whole thing! David helped me finish up a little bit, but I did about 80% of the work. Pretty proud of myself! 


After. Now we just need to buy some cushions

Sanding away.

Sunday evening we had a family dinner (with all 11 of us) at my parents house. It's been a long time since we were all together, so that was fun! Unfortunately we didn't get to stick around for long as we were pushing it for Dom's bedtime. There are pros and cons to having to leave early. A pro being that we had the evening off after that and snuggled up on the couch and watched a movie (we watched Moana which was pretty cute). 

Big ass salad with steak & chicken! Could eat like this all day every day!

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