Friday 25 August 2017

Thankful Thursday - 98

This week I'm thankful for...

1. Delicious Food. Lately we have been making/eating some really delicious homemade food! We've had poke, we made chicken & waffles, pad thai and red curry, steak and salad, and I made some banana blueberry muffins and chocolate zucchini loaf the other day! I just LOVE food... It's too bad we have expensive taste. Time to pull out the chicken and rice, pasta, and meat & potatoes again!

The muffins are mostly for Dom. A. I think I forgot to add the sugar. B. He LOVES muffins. Goes crazy for them. 

2. Eclipse viewing. We were a little late on the whole buy glasses thing, so we had to improvise! I made up a pinhole projector, but we soon discovered we could see lots of eclipses by using a colander! Haha. I wish we could have witnessed the total eclipse... Maybe one day in my lifetime we will be able to travel to see one. Sounds like a pretty incredible experience. 

Pinhole projector worked, but it is definitely not comparable to watching the actual eclipse with glasses. 

It didn't go as dark here as I was expecting, but looking outside I was saying to Dave it felt like I was looking through his polarizer filter for his camera. It was eerie... indescribable really.

Even the tree shadows turned into crescents!

We enjoyed watching footage of other cities on the path of totality during the eclipse. The hosts were contagiously excited about everything!

3. Concert Tickets! Had such a fun night out on Monday. I am not good at spontaneity, but we went for it and totally enjoyed the One Republic concert!

4. Nostalgia. We brought out the marble works the other day at Mom & Dad's because Dom really enjoys pulling all the pieces out of the box (except the marbles of course). We spent hours building marble work towers that I'm sure were much more complex than when we were younger. What a great toy for building imagination and problem solving! 

One of the many creations

5. Beach Day. Mom suggested we go on a picnic on Tuesday, so Scott & I planned some food and we met up with Mom & David at the beach. It was hot, but lovely! I should probably try to do that more often. 

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