Thursday 2 March 2017

Thankful Thursday - 79

Some things to be thankful for this week!

1. Friends for life! Dominic is only 9 weeks old and already has so many friends! Maybe a couple girlfriends lined up too ;) 

Matching! You can certainly tell Dom isn't related to these boys... so bald! Haha
{L-R: Dominic (8 weeks); Carter (3 years 3 months); Eli (4.5 months); Devin (22 months)}

2. Dom's bum is starting to feel better. He had what I thought was a diaper rash for weeks now. It would get a little better, and then get much worse randomly. Finally I posted in the Mommy Musings group on Facebook and quite a few mom's suggested picking up some cream from the pharmacy for yeast infection. It looks like Dom's "diaper rash" was actually a yeast thing... Oops... Live an learn! Sorry buddy!

3. Staying at home. I am loving the time at home. Of course some days it's crazy cabin fever, but I try to get outside at least once a day. Whether for some baby class, a play date, or a walk or something. I don't miss working one bit. Plus, my day gets filled with all this ridiculous cuteness!

Bonus. Taking out the camera! I try to take a picture or two every day with the "real" camera (aka not my iPhone). The quality is so much better! Now I'll have something for the 2017 photo book when I decide to make it :)

Uncle Jeff wanted to baby wear for our walk. Love it! (Had to find an excuse to post this picture haha)

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