Thursday 15 December 2016

Thankful Thursday - 69

Ahhhhh. What to be grateful for this week?

1. An awesome start to Maternity Leave. I've just been relaxing and scratching things off the ole to do list like crazy! In addition to the things I accomplished in my blog post the other day, I have now also applied for EI, gotten a mani/pedi, gotten waxed, had a massage, wrapped Christmas presents, went to a show with David... What a life. Have to squeeze out every ounce of freedom now before this little bundle of joy joins us to suck up all our time!

I don't have a picture of my toes all completed, but they are bright pink with flowers on the big toes. Something to focus on while in labor! David's parents got me a gift certificate for a mani-pedi for my birthday. How thoughtful! So special to go get pampered :)

Hard to tell in this photo, but my nails are a bright sparkly red for the Christmas season! I am in love with them and the way they sparkle!

2. Fun birthday date night gift! David got us tickets to see the Potted Potter show at the Vogue for my birthday. We went on Tuesday, and had a blast! First we had dinner with Jeff & Adam at Corduroy Pizza place in Vancouver. WHAT delicious pizza! The Potted Potter show is a 2-man comedy show where they go through all 7 Harry Potter books with lots of comedic relief and audience participation. It is a little silly, and took a couple acts to get into it, but it from there we were splitting a gut! The show has amazing reviews, and it is brilliantly written. My favorite parts are always when things go off-script though, and with this much audience participation that was bound to happen! Very fun and entertaining date night! I am so glad we were able to do this before our lives change. 

Horrible photo of our delicious pizzas. On the left, Prosciutto and Pear - Prosciutto, pear, goat cheese, balsalmic reduction. On the right, Organic Spicy Lamb Sausage - caramelized onion, goat cheese, pesto. Ahhhhhhh-mazing.  

This restaurant was so cool. Just a tiny little dining room, and they were having open mic night, so there was live music from 7-730 while we were there. So very Vancouver!

The programs for the show came on a scroll. Love the attention to detail :)

3. Still feeling pretty well. It is very easy to complain at this point in pregnancy... I'm 8.5 months. Home stretch! Overall, I really shouldn't complain though I suppose. I am still mostly independent, and haven't been sick. Anything that comes up now is mostly just pre-labor symptoms, and regular ailments that come along with being 8.5 months pregnant. Who knows how long this baby will stay in there! I wake up every day with the reality that today could be the day! David and I are treasuring every moment together! 

Bad mirror selfie. This sweater is supposed to be a dress! I pulled it out for our date night on Tuesday and it works great as a cute maternity sweater. Finally something that fits me! (But only because it's designed to come down to the knees...)

This has nothing to do with how I'm feeling, but I walked past the nursery the other day and noticed that this is the view our baby/child gets from his bedroom window! So gorgeous right now with the snow, the clear skies, winter sunsets and Christmas lights. 

I could go on and on, but for the sake of being productive the rest of my day, I will wrap up this Thankful Thursday post here! :) 

1 comment:

  1. Super cute sweater!! And bake so many muffins!! I lived off of muffins. So easy to grab in the middle of the night or when you have the baby attached to you.
