Thursday 8 December 2016

Thankful Thursday - 68

There is much to be thankful for this week!

1. Goodbye Work!! This week has been tough on my body, and I ended up working only 2 full days (Monday, and then a half day Tuesday and Wednesday). I'm coming down with a cold too, so that just adds to things. Friday was supposed to be my last day of work, but at some point I have to stop being so full of pride and stubbornness and take the time to take care of me! (I say it like it's my own idea, but really David is saying praises of "FINALLY!!"). Now to be productive without being active for a few weeks, and then baby will keep me busy until I'm back to work in 2018!

First on the docket... Make lots of cookies! This is a terrible idea in hindsight considering the midwife suggested I try to keep it healthy for the last few weeks. I may or may not have developed a major sweet tooth... Oh well! 

2. Gorgeous snow days! I don't particularly love the snow, but I don't mind it either. If it's going to snow, it happened perfectly this week. Snow enough to get on the grass & trees and then stop and freeze! The roads are clear and salted, the skies are blue, and the trees are tipped white. This kind of winter I can handle!

3. Free goody bags. I forgot that I signed up to have a free goody bag sent to me a few weeks before our due date. Lo and behold we got a big box from Amazon, and a bag of goodies from Nestle! 

4. Fantastic Beasts. Last weekend we went out with Scott & Courtney to see "Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them" in the theatre. It takes place in New York City, but in the Harry Potter world. It is really well done, and there are quite a few allusions to the HP books (particularly number 7). I'm looking forward to the sequels! (The one downside was that the theatre was packed and there were three giggly teenage girls sitting on the STEPS beside me. They giggled the entire movie which kind of ruined it for me... This is why I prefer to watch movies in the comfort of my own home: I can pause to pee, I can eat what/when I want for much cheaper, I can tell people to be quiet, I can sprawl on my couch without worrying about sticky floors...)

5. Sherlock has been very attached and snuggly. I don't know if it's the weather, the fact that I'm not feeling well, Sherlock growing up, the smell of my hormones or what... but he has been a snuggle monster the past few days! Typically the most snuggling he will do is curling up at your feet on the couch, but just barely enough to be keeping them warm. Lately he has been (100% on his own free will) crawling up nice and close to David and I and nestling right in as close as he can. Maybe he likes the coziness of the Christmas season too :)

I was laying like this on the couch watching TV with David when Sherlock politely climbed up behind my legs and curled up. Maybe he's just a dog and it's something instinctual, but I couldn't get over how sweet it was that he did that and I felt very special!
My favorite face! Can't wait till I can take him for walks again!

The list could very easily go on, but I will stop for now... Hopefully I can combat this cold and enjoy my birthday weekend this weekend to the fullest! My 25th, and my last birthday as "Renee" instead of "Mom"! Sometimes I have panics about that... my identity changing. It's all good though. This will (so they say) be the greatest most profound change of our lives. Looking forward to meeting this little mini! <3

What are some things you have to be grateful for? 

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