Monday 5 December 2016

35 WEEKS (CANARY MELON): Nov 27-Dec 3

  • What on earth is a Canary Melon? Whatever it is, it compares to my baby who is now 18-20 inches long, and weighs in at about 5 and a half pounds. That is very nearly as big as I was when I was born (5lb. 14 oz.) Crazy!!
  • Not much is changing for baby this week. He keeps gaining weight, and taking up more space. I can definitely tell he's running out of space. He still tries to stretch out like he could weeks ago, but my stomach just doesn't stretch that much little guy!! I'm sorry!
  • His hands and elbows are moving a lot down low in my abdomen. Bizarre feeling... I don't know if his head has dropped and his hands are moving more freely around now, or if they're right up by his face or something.
  • My symptoms this week?
    • I feel like a house
    • I have heartburn more than ever before (but still not enough to really want to complain about it)
    • I have a sneaky suspicion that I won't make it until 40 weeks sometimes... When I work too much, or do too much walking, etc. I get crampy and occasionally get more regular contractions.
    • My nails are getting more brittle and dry (boo)
    • My sleep is interrupted more, and it is much harder to fall back asleep
  • On Sunday night I was up from 345-6am having contractions. They didn't feel like BH Contractions. They would start light, and then build up in pressure. There was some pain, but I figured it may have just been from my back pain which is pretty constant. They would last about 30-45 seconds, and come on every 10-15 minutes. By the time I got up for work at 545 I was exhausted, and I let David know what was happening. I got up to start my day and drank a bunch of water and the rest of the day was less frequent, and no painful contractions. I'm leaning towards being stuck in the same sleeping position all night as well as being dehydrated being the culprit... Baby-K you better not be warming up to make an early appearance!!!
  • Tuesday night was another night of contractions for me. I was awake from 2:30 onwards with contractions that lasted about a minute long, and came on every 5 minutes or so. They weren't super painful... I'd say the worst one was MAYBE a 4 on the pain scale (1-10) for a few seconds at the peak (for regular pain... for what I think labour will be like, let's say closer to a 1...). I tried drinking water, walking around, going to the bathroom, changing positions, etc. to get them to stop/slow. They didn't start slowing down until 8am or so, and I was finally able to get a couple hours of rest. I wasn't nervous about it being labour starting necessarily. I figure false labour, or pre-labour was more likely. They weren't progressing and getting much more intense or close together... pretty consistently 1 minute long and 5 minutes apart. I took the day off work just in case and to get some rest. They still occurred during the day, but nothing like that night. I'm thinking this may have been caused by some... *TMI* marital interaction... Going to put that on hold until we're REALLY ready to have this baby... 
  • I am starting to learn how stubborn I am. I didn't tell David until 4am when he was stirring about the contractions, and he stayed up and started timing them for me. I also had every intention of getting up to go to work that morning as I'm training the new girl (who has been great) this week and all of next week, and I didn't want to let anyone down. Between him and Amy they convinced me I needed to stay home. Reluctantly I obliged... I, however, opted not to call the midwives to inform them of my little episode(s). Why? I don't know... I didn't want to bother them? I didn't want them to think I was worried or over-reacting? I figured things would just go away on their own, and if they didn't I would call? I was (am) in denial? We haven't been assigned our doula yet, so I'm not allowed to go into labour, so I'll just pretend everything is normal? Who knows... Ah yes... the stubborn Renee ;)
  • With the help of Lindsay, we installed our car seat in the Hyundai! Chicco Keyfit 30. SUPER easy install, and also quite light for a bucket seat! It's weird to think in a few weeks there could be a baby in there... driving around with us... 
  • Holy cow!! I'm EIGHT MONTHS PREGNANT as of December 1st! How insane is that? Hasn't sunk in...
  • All of a sudden this week everything became really difficult and uncomfortable. Can't even put on my own pants anymore hardly! Haha... I'm thinking baby dropped... or drops in and out of position. 
Wonder why I'm so uncomfortable? This is why! All belly... All out front. Not a flattering picture at all, but maybe I'll look back on it fondly one day(?) Haha

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