Monday 30 May 2016

Where does the time go?

As I try to write this, I can barely remember what I did this weekend! While I may have 2 days off of work, these days are often so packed with stuff that it doesn't feel like a break at all! Sometimes work is more of a "break" than the weekend. 

This weekend was actually relatively low key, but it still flew by much too quickly.

Saturday morning we started working on our weekend chores and got over half of them accomplished before we got a call from Jeff asking if we wanted to veg on our couch and watch a movie. Umm... YES!

We voted to watch the Martian, which neither David nor myself had seen before. I thought it was going to be super intense and have me holding my breath and sitting on the edge of my seat! To my pleasant surprise, it was more fascinating and engaging than intense most of the time. I loved it, and Matt Damon did a fantastic job! (The cast was super stacked overall!)

Jeff got to enjoy a very rare Sherlock snuggle! Lucky guy!

The rest of the day Saturday I had a headache, so I went to lay down. Jeff, Mom and David made some delicious homemade pizzas for dinner. That evening David and I did some more relaxing and started watching an Africa BBC Documentary on Netflix; similar to Planet Earth. All was well until I had to watch a baby elephant die while its mom did everything she could to help. That led to Renee sobbing for 10 minutes... Time for bed!

Cool snapshot from the show

Sunday morning I was up early to play bass in church, where we welcomed/installed 30+ new members! That was the largest membership service we've ever had. Pretty amazing!

That afternoon was a bridal shower for David's cousin Christine, which was conveniently located a 5 minute drive from our house! Rachel and Christine's bridesmaid Amanda did a beautiful job setting everything up. It was perfect! 

After the shower David and I spent some time enjoying the sunshine on our new patio before taking Sherlock to Tynehead for a walk. We ended the day with some shopping in Langley, and then some more Netflix (not the sad documentary). 

Below are two bad pictures of Sherlock begging me to give him what he wants. 

Willing me to give him my empty water bottle so he can run around the yard with it.

Creepily stalking my yogurt container which he would love nothing more than to lick out... 

For the record... he won both these stare-downs.

Eventually I'll have something more interesting to write about! I promise!

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