Thursday 12 May 2016

Thankful Thursday - 43

It's tough sometimes to think of new things to be grateful for each week, but this is what I came up with..

1. Pancakes. Normally I'm not much of a "sweets for dinner" sort of person, but when you combine these perfect crepes with a huge bowl of fresh fruit and "real" maple syrup... you get something special... and beautiful! Mom and Dad were kind enough to have us for dinner Wednesday night and make us this delicious treat!

I love the beautiful (and natural) colours of fruit!

This looks less appetizing with the sausage and bacon at the top than I was anticipating...

2. A successful agility class. Our class last week was cancelled, so I was happy to be able to go Wednesday night and work with Sherlock a bit. We were both a little sluggish as it was quite warm in the barn, but his focus is getting so much better! We have our second fun match this weekend, so I'm grateful we got some extra practice in this week. {However, as it usually goes... If they do poorly in their latest class, they do well at the trial. Let's hope him doing well in class still translates to the fun match!}

This is what we like to see! A tuckered out pup!

3. Scott is home. When Scott was away at school there were many evenings where David and I couldn't decide what to do and thought, now if Scott was living back at home this would be a "Scott night" for sure. A Scott night usually consists of playing a game or watching a movie, but not feeling guilty for sitting on our butts and eating a bunch of candy because we have a guest over, so we're doing something as a group! Now he's home, and we had just such a night the other day!

Have you thought about what YOU'RE thankful for today? (It's a great exercise, you should try it!)

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