Thursday 5 May 2016

Somewhat Thankful Thursday - 42

The past few days have been tough... **Disclaimer... may be a tear-jerker! At least it is for me**

There are still things to be thankful for, but it's been a rough one lately. I'll start with the positives!

1. Family trip to Edmonton. In case you missed it, you can read about our trip to Edmonton here. I love getting together with the family; we have so much fun together!

These guys make me look like a miniature!

2. Awkward Toller Sleeping Positions. I may have posted about Sherlock's crazy sleeping before, but just look at this guy! Can't help but laugh when we see him like this. 

How is David supposed to get ANY work done with this craziness behind him?

Now for the less great news... 

On Monday Shadow (my parent's dog, the dog we all grew up with for the past 9.5 years) started feeling a little sick. She was in good spirits, but was coughing a little bit and had thrown up a couple times during the day.

That night she took a turn for the worse. She had vomited all over the house overnight and was unresponsive in the morning when my dad got up for work. Her breathing was very labored, her heart rate was rapid and she was burning up. She wouldn't move... just laid there. 

Dad took her to the vet as soon as he could and the vet brought her in. Her temperature was at a critical 105.4 F (106 is considered a fatal temp). Their first thought based on her condition was a tumor, so they opted to take an X-Ray. The X-Ray showed a lot of fluid around her heart and lungs, as well as a large shadowy area around her lungs. 

The diagnosis at this point was one of three things:
1. Bacterial Infection
2. Severe Pneumonia
3. Fungal Infection

The treatment for the first two is antibiotics, whereas the fungal infection does not have any treatment, and can be aggressive. The vet did not seem optimistic given her condition, however they opted to treat with two broad antibiotics and cross their fingers. 

Dad brought her home after the vet, and she was actually able to walk (albeit slowly) to the car. She spent the day resting and visiting with those of us who could come over "just in case". 

I went to see her after work and she did not look good. She greeted me at the door, but rather pathetically, and then it was time for a rest. That exertion alone caused her to struggle severely with her breathing. You can hear the fluid build-up in her lungs. It is so heart-breaking to see her like this. It all came on so suddenly!

Later on in the evening she drank some water and ate a few kibbles and was able to keep it down. We got hopeful. Wednesday she was still VERY weak, but throughout the day managed to eat some kibble soaked in broth as well as some rice and chicken. She had her peanut-butter bone Wednesday evening (finally, something that's a part of the routine), but still struggled to get up and walk around. She ate again Thursday morning, and her breathing seems a LITTLE less labored... Do we dare get hopeful and excited? I don't know yet.

I will update on Shadow's condition if anything changes either way, but it's so scary and sad and sudden! Extremely hard to see her struggling. 

I feel like this photo rather accurately depicts how she was feeling on Tuesday. Poor thing. 


  1. Aw poor thing! Hope she feels better soon and gets back to her nightly peanut butter bone xoxo

  2. Poor baby, hope things improve over the 24 hours.
