Monday 9 May 2016

Celebratory Weekend!

This weekend was jam-packed with celebratory events and family time!

Saturday morning my cousin Steph and Aunty Candy came by to see our house as they're visiting from out of town. Steph then joined us as we went to Vancouver to help Adam and Aly move apartments!

More than one precarious attempt at transferring furniture to the new place. 

By the time we got home, we just had enough time to get showered and dressed for Opa & Oma's 50th anniversary celebration! What an incredible feat 50 years is. They are a true inspiration. 

When we get some photos from the photographer I'll post more on the evening, but we had a catered dinner, a few "skits", songs and poems (whatever family and friends felt convicted to share), followed by a slide show and some dancing. There was also the presentation of a photobook including pictures from their entire lives and time together. That is something I spent (far too many) hours on, so it was so nice to see them be excited about it! Of course we cannot forget to mention the unlimited beer, wine and cider for the guests to enjoy! 

The dinner was set up in the foyer at church, with tables to seat around 60-70 people. It was a beautiful evening!

Appetizer table! Yum!!

Personalized wine... wouldn't have it any other way!

Beautiful flower centerpiece. Oma let me take this one home :)
Gerberas are my favourite! 

Sunday morning I was up bright and early to go play bass at church, and wish all the moms a Happy Mother's Day! After church David and I headed out to Cultus Lake where his parents were "camping" with their new trailer for the first time! We normally have Sunday brunch at his parents' house, but went out to the campground instead since it was Mother's Day. 

Matthias and Fynn

Sherlock moping because he's tied up!

There is just nothing Sherlock loves more than swimming!

I love how every one of my camping photos is of the dogs... How sad! I need to work on variety! Mind you, I was much to busy enjoying the company to be focusing on taking pictures. 

By the time we got home, we were ready to head to my parent's house for dinner and a movie! Now that Scott is home, it's time for our Harry Potter nights to start up again. 

I whipped up some delicious smoked salmon flat breads for dinner!

Also, to top the great weekend off, Shadow seems to be doing much better! She is still coughing a lot and has less energy than normal, but she is definitely improving!! She is eating, getting up to greet us, back to most of her normal routine... I can't believe it! I definitely thought she was a goner after seeing her last week. 

Here's a video from the other day of Shadow walking back from the mailbox with dad! It was the first time she showed any interest in going for a "walk". So thrilled

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