Thursday 27 August 2015

Thankful Thursday - 10

This week I'm thankful for...

1. Dog Agility. We have been going to dog agility training every Wednesday since April 1. Sherlock absolutely adores agility and everything that goes along with it. Yesterday he was a little bonkers as we missed two weeks and he's been shafted lately due to us being busy with our move. It's exhausting chasing him around all the time, and I tried very hard not to get frustrated. Our trainer, Sherry Taylor, just said, "Well at least he's happy! If there's one thing I hope he gets out of this is that every week he is happy to be here." Boy is she right. I've never seen such a happy dog galloping away from his owner to visit the other dogs that were trying to train! Anyway, back on track... agility also keeps me active. There is a lot of physical and mental exercise that goes into it. Especially mental in the sense that I can feel myself getting frustrated, but I can't; it's a great exercise in patience. (I can't figure out how to get videos from my Shared files on my phone onto a computer or I'd upload some actual exciting footage of Sherlock doing the obstacles!)

Sherlock working on his contact

Sherry, our agility trainer, encouraging me after Sherlock went on a puppy rip. We were working on "Serpentine Jumps"

Sherly posing on the table! You can see one of the other dogs, Milo, in the background. 

2. Almost ready to move. We've been gradually packing for a while, but this week it is crunch time! It's stressful. I don't think David and I have ever fought this much! At least we both know it's because of stress and we never go to bed angry. We made some excellent progress with packing yesterday, and sealed and stacked many boxes! I'm not looking forward to the deep clean we're going to have to do after we get everything out though!

Getting there!

3. Growing up with a dog. We got Jewel, the Bernese Mountain Dog, when i was in Grade 2 (I only remember this because I brought her for show & tell when she was a puppy). We may have been in a little over our heads, but she was a wonderful family dog. I don't know how my parents did it. Four little kids and a puppy... She wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, but she sure was beautiful! I may be biased, but I think every family should have a dog. 

Can you tell how much she loved me draping myself over her? Not...

Poor dog had to put up with so much! She reminds me of the dog in Peter Pan in this photo. 

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