Thursday 2 June 2022

Thankful Thursday - 295 (Playdate/Tot Romp/KENOBI/Kindergarten/

I had a great spin session this morning! Still going 2 times per week (or 3 on the odd week). Still can't believe I'm that guy. Probably won't be forever, but for this season I'm enjoying the investment into myself.

This week I am thankful for...

1. Kindergarten Day. Last Friday Dave and I took Dom to Kindergarten Day at school. This boy is SO ready! It was informative for us, fun for him, and made us feel even more confident in sending him to this school!

2. KENOBIIIIIII! Dave has successfully converted me. I'm a Star Wars nerd. If you've seen it and enjoy it... A. We must discuss. B. You should come watch it in the theatre :)

3. The Savio Volpe Dinner. Still dreaming and drooling about this!

4. Playdate for the kids. Dave took Dom & Emilia out for a playdate with one of the boys from Dom's soccer. They went to Cloverdale Athletic Park and ran around for hours. So awesome! 

5. Nap flexibility. We're in the transition from 2-1 naps for Eva. She's at that sweet spot now where she'll happily do two, or happily do one! On Monday we tried one for the first time and I took the kids to Tot Romp! Just like the good ole days! Katrina and her fam were there too, so Dom was in heaven playing hockey with the boys. Emilia stuck pretty close. Eva was absolutely bonkers. That child has no social anxiety. Hard to believe she's even mine haha. 

I've been low-key putting off the transition for a while because I didn't want to just have one break from 3 kids each day. Today I voluntarily did one nap because she was just happy. Honestly it has gone really really well. We got out for a walk, the kids were all on the same eating schedule, and the big kids were happy to go have some "quiet" time (currently blasting music on their CD player) while she napped. Maybe this transition won't be so bad after all! 

Not sure what this game was. They had printed NHL logos. When I asked Dom what they were playing and how to play he said, "If you wanted to know then you should have played." Okie dokie haha. 

6. This sunshine/warmth! Supposed to "feel like" up to 29 today! That's a bit warm but I will not complain. No sir! Today was supposed to be beach day for the kids with preschool, but Dom came down with a nasty cough yesterday. At least it's nice and they can play outside and in the water table at home. 

Poor baby. After a 1.5 hour nap and some Tylenol yesterday he perked up enough to eat some toast and his fever got DOWN to 101F. He slept right through the night though and is not quite fevered so far today. Just working on hacking up all that crap in his lungs. Yum.

Some tidbits of regular life. I try to get more pictures of Dom & Emilia, but babies are just way easier to capture!

Eva has taken to running away around the complex. First stop. "Wren, are you home?"

Eva and I walked the dog and I came across a huge garter snake!

And for the first time I can recall since Fall, the horses were out by the fence!

"Buppa! Buppa!" (Puppy!)

This nugget. Got her to keep pigtails in <3 Also I'm gradually moving her clothes up a size. This is a shirt Emilia wore at literally twice Eva's age haha.

When did she get so big?

My attempt at a nice picture with the big two. This is why babies are easier to photograph haha. And why I don't like to do selfies :)

Lots of checking out bugs and ants lately

Bubble party! Thanks, Wren!

Dancing as she bubbles

Eva looking like she's sprinting or falling. I brought the girls out yesterday afternoon so Dom could get some rest.

We didn't get far because Miss Independent here kept trying to run onto the road.

However we did get to watch some ants build their anthill. Emilia and I loved watching them go down, grab a grain of sand and haul it up to carefully place on the outside. I don't know why I never realized how much work goes into making these little anthills!

More clothes that Emilia wore at twice her age. At least I have a whole year's worth of 2T clothing!

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