Saturday 18 June 2022

Eva - 14 Months

For once I'm not feeling like "how is she already 14 months?!" This month I've been thinking she's 14 months for weeks already and actually had to count when the 16th came around. 

Dom nearing the peak of his chunk! <3

Weight: 26 lb (97 percentile)
Height: 31.5 inches (92 percentile)


  • Size 18-24 and 2T clothing. Size 5 diapers
  • Size 4 shoes
  • She has 7 teeth and at least 3 more coming in soon. It's been fun. 
  • Every day we have new words around here! Here are the ones I can think of to list:
    • Bunny (Nana), banana (nana), water bottle (oddloddle), bottle (dadoh), mommy (mama), Daddy (dada), Oma (mmmma), Opa (ooooooooooooo-pah!), hi (of course), bye (dai), ow, wow, uh oh, puppy (buppa), no, Bruno (nuno), this/that (dis), here (eeehr), help (owp and attempting to do thse sign), all done ("da da" with the sign), ball (ba), poo, Emilia (Yaya)
  • She asks to listen to music by singing "Bruno" (Nuno) and swinging her hips. 
  • She's trying really hard to learn some more sign language (though my attempts at teaching her have been pretty pathetic). She focuses on her hands trying to get them right. Her newest one is "help" which supposed to be a fist on your hand with the thumb up and you like tap your hand or something. She awkwardly attempts to make a fist and claps the heel of her hand into the palm of her other hand. I'll take it!
  • She says "doh" a lot. Still haven't figured out what it means. 
  • She can climb onto the couch on her own. Nothing is safe now.
  • If she starts getting fussy in the car Emilia starts singing "If You're Happy and You Know it" and no matter what she participates. 
  • She's not a snuggler. At all. I try hard! With all this teething lately we've had a couple evening wake-ups and she will occasionally snuggle a bit at those times. 
    During the day when we're nearing nap time she'll sometimes snuggle in for a few seconds. Never lasts long though. 
  • When she's ready for a nap I'll say, "Is it time for bed? Should we say goodnight?" If she's ready she'll stand up and start waving and blowing kisses to everyone. 
  • She loves giving high fives
  • She's much more outgoing than I am. She is off making friends and crouching down to kids (who are usually taller than her) and saying hi. When we're walking the dog she says hi to every person we see and loudly chats about their "buppa". If they don't say hi back she'll just keep trying. 
  • She's constantly feeding Sherlock half her snacks. We have to put him in his crate every time she has any sort of food. He knows the drill now, but still... It's annoying. She complains about being hungry and then throws it to the dog! They have a system. 
  • She LOVES her bunny (nana or Nan). Right when she wakes up and we go to get her she is immediately looking for "Nana". When it's bed time as I'm zipping her into her sleepsack she'll start asking for "Nana". If it's not in her room she gets a nervous chuckle as we go downstairs to look for it. Once she spots it her nervous chuckle gets more intense and then turns into a relieved chuckle once Nan is in her arms. 
  • When she wakes up and we go to get her she starts by saying "Nana" and then once she's got her Nan she quickly switches to "dahdo". Where's my bunny? K. Got that. Now... bottle!
  • We got her down to one nap this month. I did it cold turkey. I didn't think I was ready because I liked having two breaks during the day, but this has been a game changer. We can go out in the morning and afternoon without worrying about a nap. She naps for 2.5 hours usually and it gives me such a nice break. Dom and Emilia seem to like to have that extra time to settle into a quiet time routine as well. I've been much more productive with work and self-care during this time. Taking a nap, prepping dinner, blogging, taking D&E out to get groceries if Dave is home (so grateful for Dave's home office!). 
  • She has finally figured out how to get DOWN from her learning tower which is nice because she doesn't just stand in there and screech anymore when she's done haha. 
  • She's an amazing sleeper. We're so lucky <3
  • She's still drinking goats milk for now since her body couldn't tolerate whole milk. We'll try again in a month or two maybe. 
  • I mentioned it last month too, but she's a picky eater now :(. If it's noodles/carbs she is ALL over it. Otherwise it's pretty hit or miss. 
  • She's starting to use a fork or spoon when eating, but mostly it gets tossed off the tray and then she stares at her food not wanting to get her hands dirty. Sorry girl!
  • It's probably time to switch her to sippy cup drinking instead of the bottles throughout the day. Maybe that's a task for this month. 
  • She will tell me when she's pooped. "poooo". Handy trick
  • She's a thumb sucker, but only at bedtime. During the day it's actually kind of hard to comfort her if she gets hurt or something. The big kids just needed their blankie or a snuggle. She doesn't like to snuggle so it's sort of just a pick her up and wait it out game. 
Typical Day:
One nap schedule! It's a GAME changer for me. I get the big break during the day I mentioned above, and also she is on the same food/snack schedule as Dom and Emilia. I am no longer making snacks ALL DAY LONG. 

715: wake up & 6oz bottle
800: Breakfast (oatmeal, yogurt, fruit)
900: Snack
1100: Lunch
1145-230: NAP
230: Wake & 5-6 oz bottle & snack around there sometime
500: Dinner
700: 6oz bottle & bed!


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