Thursday 16 July 2020

Thankful Thursday - 228

This week I am feeling a little tired and overwhelmed. I actually picked up my old journal (like real writing journal) the other day and started writing. I just wanted to brain dump some of my thoughts and feelings. I realized I hadn't written in there since March 2019. I went to write, and realized I had a lot of ground to cover! Emilia, family illness, COVID, work #1, work #2, David's work, life changes, (cancelled) plans, etc. etc. The list goes on. I didn't get into processing my feelings much. It's hard for me to turn that part of my brain on I think. I think because I'm so used to writing on the blog it's difficult to transition into writing my more personal thoughts/feelings. I feel like I'm still thinking about who might be reading it and being sensitive to that. 
Life is busy, I'm working two days at the midwives this week and they're not even full days, but they are training days, so my brain is in overdrive. I'm anxious about what the fall and next year will look like with my work-life balance, but it's hard to make a plan when everything in our lives is so unsure right now. I really feel for those trying to make fall plans when they don't even know what their kids' school schedules (or lack of) will be!

Anyway... this week I am thankful for...

1. My new space! I am always working at the kitchen island, or hiding on my bedroom floor. The kids always find me. Always. It doesn't work for me to be in David's office right now because my work comes up in emails throughout the day as opposed to scheduled times. We had this unused dead space on our stairs that was just cluttered. Dave has been saying for a while that we should get a desk there, and I finally agreed. He put his brain and hands to work and built this mounted table/desk for me! I sincerely hope I can train the kids not to bother me here. So far no luck... :)

Before (also with a carpet cleaner stored where the hat is)

After (only problem is that there's no plug. Either we'll have to run an extension cord or just make sure my computer is charged up when I need to use this space)!

2. Family time. Since COVID quarantine, I realize how much I've taken family gatherings for granted! Jeff, Marta and Adam came over last weekend for dinner. I've missed that! We're also getting together this weekend in Port Moody for some lawn games, beer, and some sort of dinner. We had David's parents over for dinner last night too. Dom wasn't cooperating, and spent much of the time in his room, but Emilia relished in all the attention!

3. Water play. I love summer time when I can just set up the table outside with some water and cups and the kids play nicely for longer stretches. Dom napped a couple days ago (rare), so Emilia had an hour of solo-play time and she played "coffee" for an hour straight! Bliss. Pure bliss!

4. Colourful plates. Summer means a lot more fresh produce in our house! This was our lunch the other day. So beautiful!

"Take a picture Mommy, I'm happy!"

5. Zoo pass. I love having the zoo pass. Without it Monday would have been just another day, but instead we decided at the last second to go to the zoo! Much less stressful when I don't have to worry about wasting money if things go sideways and we can only stay for half an hour :)

Now a little photo-dump! I try not to just create "Thankful Thursday" items for the photos I have, but instead be more conscious of things I can be grateful for throughout the week. 

Can't remember if I posted this one yet. We were walking on the bridge at the ravine by our house, dropping "helicopter leaves", and Dave noticed this owl in the tree below us. It was bizarre looking down on an owl who was actually pretty high up in the tree.
*The owl is really hard to spot in the picture, but it's just down and to the right of centre.*

This boy, almost 6, looks younger than he has in a long time. He's so happy.

His happy place. When we try to bring him in from his spot in the yard he stares at us and then rolls over onto his back as soon as we get close to him. Jewel (our Bernese Mountain Dog growing up) used to do this. Hilarious

I think Dom is growing. He's napped at least 3 times this week which is unheard of. He also eats NON STOP! I had to take a picture of this one though. I had to hold in my laughter when I saw him, because it reminded me of...

All accessorized and taking her baby for a walk.

Also an eggplant and a zucchini...

We were out on the patio with Gramma and Grandpa last night for a bit before bed. Such a beautiful spot to be in the evenings! <3

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