Monday 27 July 2020


Still feeling stressed about this decision to take on a second job. So much unknown in the future. Normally I'm an excellent sleeper (like 0 minutes to fall asleep and stay asleep all night), but the stress has started affecting that. It's one of those things where so much is out of my control, but also parts of this are very in my control and I just don't know what to do.

Working from home has its perks and challenges. :)

*Edited to add.. I completely forgot about this because I forgot to take pictures. This is why I need to take pictures! Haha*
Last Wednesday the girls and I got together at Katrina's for another fire. Such a lovely way to spend the evening catching up, snacking, drinking, and laughing together. Love this open, caring, no-judgement, supportive group of women. 

Lately we've just been busy, and HOT! Haven't done any huge things. On Friday morning I worked, and then Mom took the kids after naptime for a couple hours, and Dave and I joined them at their house for dinner. While the kids were out, we relaxed, and took the dog for a long walk with just the two of us - no other distractions. Little luxuries we don't normally get!

Beautiful spread for our "burger salad". Perfect hot weather, low carb (except for the focaccia... and beer) meal.

On Saturday morning we went to Mundy Park in Coquitlam with S&A and let the dogs run off-leash around a 4km loop. That park has some paths that are off-leash until 10am, which is genius! Well worth the 25 minute drive. 

Waiting for us after sprinting up a hill

After the walk I went to Costco, and Dave started cleaning the garage. Before we knew it, we'd reorganized most of the garage, piled stuff to give away, thrown out a bunch of garbage, and cleared more space for David's workout stuff. The outdoor toys are organized, Emilia's clothes are organized (when I was doing this, I found a bunch of 2T stuff from Janine I had stored away after I was looking for 2T earlier in the year. So cute!), and I packed away a whole box of books so we can rotate them out more often. Feels SO good to be productive and organized. Earlier that day I told Dave I just needed to rest, and almost bailed on the walk. Well so much for that idea. Productivity around the house was just what I needed. Then we sat down together and watched Star Wars Episode 9 together in the theatre!

Yesterday I sabbathed. 100%. Dave was at church in the morning (as per usual), so the kids and I watched from home. We sat and read and played, I worked out (I started an actual workout instead of just yoga sometimes; I've done it three times and my legs are SORE!), and then I spent a couple hours going through photos on my computer and updated our Chromecast album (photos that scroll through on our TV all day - I love that). Dave and I both also napped while the kids had their quiet/nap time. As often happens on the weekends, our family had an impromptu dinner gathering. Whoever happens to be free gets together. We rarely have plans other than family dinners, so we're almost always free! We went to mom and dad's with Adam and Aly, and had baby potatoes (I boiled, then wrapped in foil with Italian Seasoning and butter, then we reheated on the BBQ), roasted vegetables, and meat. Red meat. Ribeye and filet mignon. Droooool. We never eat red meat because $$$, so it was a delicious special treat! 

Because the meal was almost entirely done on the BBQ, mom was able to sit down and read with the kids - whether she liked it or not haha! A little hot for cuddling, but cute nonetheless. 

Today I worked for a bit in the morning, worked out, and then it was too hot to do anything :). I took the kids to the veggie market and to pick up groceries, then we had lunch and went outside to play. Dom insisted on driving the BMW around the complex, and finally I convinced them to come in with a special treat. Their first freezie! PC has these little mini fruit-juice freezies. Healthier (ish?) and much less messy than a popsicle! 

I had to help her push the freezie up every time she took a bite

He, on the other hand, figured it out quite quickly!

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