Saturday 11 July 2020

Cultus Day Camping

We were supposed to be going to the cabin July 12-19. Alas, this could not happen because the borders are still closed. Davids mom, Rachel and Rebecca were up at Cultus for a few days this week, so we went up yesterday to join them. Last year I took the kids on my own for a day and it was fun, but it was nice to have the extra help. We were also able to bring Sherlock which was really nice. He's settled down significantly the last couple months. Not in an old man kind of way - more in a mature adult kind of way. I was pleasantly surprised at his behaviour yesterday.

We left home just after 9am, and got to Cultus an hour later. We got settled in, made some wraps for lunch, and put Emilia down for an early nap in the trailer, so Rebecca could nap after her. Em was bizarrely excited to go have a nap, and slept for an hour and a half until we woke her up. 

We of course brought our trusted Canadian Tire fold-up table, and our Costco blankets. Can't go anywhere with kids without those things!

These two were great together. Didn't really play, but coexisted just fine. Also, look at Sherlock just chilling like an hour after we got there! Sherlock a couple years ago would have whined the entire time. No joke.

Dave stayed at the campsite to keep an eye on Emilia, and the rest of us (dogs included) went down to the creek to play in the water. Dom had fun, but got a little wet. Sherlock was being whiny so I finally dropped the leash, and then he did what I should have expected. Went and laid down in the water. Oh Sherly...

He got wet, but he was brave-ish... I'm glad I brought a few outfits for him!

How did I not see this coming? Haha. He was so happy

After Emilia got up, Rebecca went down, and we hung around the site for a while longer. The sun started to come out and we got ready to go to the beach. Rebecca woke up, and we packed up the wagon and started the trek down. We had to go to the dog beach which was very rocky. I'm okay with that though since everything doesn't get covered in sand. Sherlock pounced and swam and floated in the water (while whining of course) the whole time. Dom started out brave, and even went in up to his belly-button. Then some bigger waves came and spooked him a bit. Emilia wanted nothing to do with the water, but still played a bit. 

Good morning sunshine!

Blowing bubbles with Aunty Rachel

Helping Daddy chop some kindling

I brought a big bucket full of kitchen toys, ice cube tray, paint brushes, stacking cups, etc. I remember being a kid at the cabin and mom bringing the bucket of kitchen toys, and getting totally immersed in play at the lake with those. Success! Rebecca played lots with them! Dom played with the shovels and buckets. It ended up being really nice beach weather. Probably 24 degrees or so in the sun. Very comfortable!

Dom looks so tall here.

Back to the campsite (the long way by accident) to cook up some dinner. We had tacos, and Grandpa got there just in time for dinner. After we ate, we promised the kidlets we'd do some marshmallows and s'mores. Long story short, we didn't get out of there until 8pm, We were home and the kids got to bed at 9. That's a late night!! Long day and late night means lots of tired humans today!

Today everyone is tired. Dave and I slept til 7, the kids slept til 8. Then Emilia, Dave and I went for a nap at 12. At 115 Dom was crying and said he needed a snuggle so I took him out of quiet time and threw him in our bed and then this...

Literally haven't slept with him in over 3 years. How crazy is that?! Time is so weird <3

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