Friday 17 July 2020

Kids Say

These things are just piling up! I'm sure there will be even more as Emilia starts talking and communicating in larger, clearer sentences. 

Learning to write his name <3

Grandpa hands Dom a magazine: Can you bring this to your dad?
D: that dad? *Pointing at Dave*

Me: Dom, I'm gonna put some undies on ya?

D: Chip and Dale and big nuts!

Dom got a scrape so I asked if it was feeling better. 
D: Ya, it's okay. The blood plates came to make it better.
(I explained to him earlier that week what platelets are)

D (out of nowhere): Opa is soooooooooooo funny. With hims loud farts.

Trying very hard to get fruit snacks.
D: I need a fruit snack in my esophagus to give me energy to clean my room. That's what I really need.

My parents are watching the kids for a night and Opa is sitting between them reading a book. 
D: Oh Opa. You have such a big tummy.

Leaving Dom for quiet time.
Me: Alright, have fun, I love you!
D: I love you, Captain Mommy!

Overheard in Dom's room: 
D: Ya Emilia! You got it Pontiac!

D: Mommy how do we make Chad (our neighbour) feel sad?
Me: What?
D: Chad is feeling sad... about cookies. Like the cookie monster

D: I had a hot fart. I felt it.

D calls me during quiet time so I go in.
D: Hey mommy, what's your plan?
Me: My plan? I dunno. i'd like to rest.
D: Ah. Maybe you can rest on the couch. or maybe you could do some yoga?

Me: Whew! Mommy's tired!
D: Ya, from all that walking and strolling at the zoo!

Dom is colouring.
Me: Dom, that's really good colouring!
D (without looking up): Ya. I am very impressive.

Walking at Tynehead and Dom has his sloth between his legs.
Me: Dom, do you have to pee?
D: No, I just have my sloth on mines penis.

I bring Dom his sloth stuffy.

Dom playing with little Lego for the first time.
Me: Wow Dom, I like how you're making that space ship!
D: No talking Mommy, I'm trying to concentrate.

D: There was a big bubble at my bum, and then a big fart.

D: My fart tickled

D: Sherlock came up and he didn't know what I was doing in the bathroom!

D (whenever he's hungry): My stomach is grumbling for fruit snacks. No, it's not grumbling for apple. It's just grumbling for fruit snacks. 

D every morning while still in bed (we try not to get him til 7): MY STOMACH IS GRUMBLING! THE LITTLE HAND IS ON THE 6 AND THE BIG HAND IS ON THE 7! THE LITTLE HAND IS ON THE 6 AND THE BIG HAND IS ON THE 8! (etc. etc.)

D playing cloud dough: The poop and pee gets mixed up by oxygen, and comes right out our penis and bums. And then it brings oxygen all the way back to our lungs. 

Me: Would you rather be able to see really well, or have really good ears?
D: I'd rather have lots of food in my stomach.

Me: Emilia, good job with your dinner!
D: Did she DEVOUR it?!

Emilia: Bettas ertday!
D: Rebecca's birthday!
Me: Ya! It's Rebecca's birthday next week! Do you think she'll have a party?
D: Ya. she'll be super stoked

D ate his dinner quickly: Mommy, can I have more noodles? I crushed those!

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