Thursday 4 June 2020

Thankful Thursday - 223

There is a lot to be grateful for right now, especially with what is going on in the world with the #BlackLivesMatter movement. I'm glad there is awareness, and loads of educational material coming out about white privilege and systemic racism. I've been opening myself up and learning about it, but I still have a long way to go before I feel I have a grasp on the reality of it all. It's made me realize how ignorant and sheltered I am, and how little diversity there is in my life. 

2020 is kicking our butts. (Our = the world collectively)

This is what I'm thankful for this week:

1. Our marriage. We have been married 7.5 years, and through it all we seem to get stronger all the time. We have learned to know ourselves better, each other better, how to communicate better, what our collective and personal priorities are, and how to navigate difficult circumstances and stresses. 

He's going to hate me for making this the feature photo, but I like it :)

This photo has nothing to do with anything, but she's cute :). She has also just started with the, "Whyyy? whyyy? why? why? why?" I don't remember it being so sudden with Dom. 

2. Spontaneous brunch. Every Saturday Dave is out/busy for much of the day with church filming/editing and meetings, so this past Saturday when brunch was announced at Scott and Ashleigh's I leapt at the opportunity. We had bacon & egg bagels, and Uncle Adam even got some good 1 on 2 time with the kids! This is probably the closest Emilia has ever voluntarily gotten to him haha. 

3. Creating time to crochet. I picked up a bunch of yarn from Oma D's house, and when the kids saw it, they asked me to make blankets for their teddy bears/dolls. This is one I did one evening/morning for Emilia's doll.

Looks small, but it's like 8"x8" or so.

4. The veggie market is open! I've been dying inside every week as we purchase our produce at the grocery store. I now realize the veggie market has been open for weeks (since Phase 2 started)... Oh well. This was our afternoon picnic snack this week, which I am now craving again.

5. Evening at Tynehead. One of our warmer days this week we went to Tynehead with "Ahee, Dot, Enny.!" It must have tired Emilia out, because she slept until 830 the next morning!

This one is from last week when Ashleigh asked if she'd be able to pick up the kids and take them to Tynehead with her and Benny one morning. Erm... yes? Any time? Literally. Any. Time!

6. Real use for Zoom meetings. Let's be honest, sometimes you're asked to be a part of the Zoom meeting that you do not really have to participate in at all, but you do have to listen. This week I put the laptop on the island, turned off the camera, muted myself, and deep cleaned my stove/oven/microwave/counters/cupboards. 

The GoCleanCo instagram account may have inspired my cleaning spree, but I actually used mostly Norwex to avoid putting all the chemicals out there. I used Easy-Off inside the oven, but the rest was done with Norwex cloths and cleaning paste :)

This one took place over the course of a full day. Stripping the sheets! 1/4 cup borax, 1/4 cup washing soda, generous scoop of tide. Let it sit for 6 hours, stirring every hour, and watch the disgusting magic happen.

These are sheets that were just cleaned this weekend, so they're pretty clean... so gross! Today I'm doing our non-feather pillows.

7. Strength. Okay, this one is kind of embarrassing, but gonna do it anyway. This week I went to the chiropractor for the first time since January. She commented on my muscle tone being much more defined, and we attributed it to my yoga. I hate selfies, and this is especially awkward, but I'm proud, so I'll share :)

Speaking of embarrassing, ignore the messy bed in the background... that was before washing all my sheets :)

8. GRASS! Our yard was previously mostly mud and un-used garden. The landscape company that do our complex just happens to be run by a certain sister-in-law's dad, who also goes to our church. David casually mentioned we'd like to get actual grass laid in the bald spots, so he showed up this week and started shoveling soil and laying sod! I can't wait for it all to settle and look a little less like the "Fun with Dick & Jane" yard (if you know, you know), but it has already given us so much more space.

9. Gift from a neighbour. A few weeks ago, in the thick of COVID restrictions, David saw our neighbour and his dad standing, staring at a giant washing machine they had to get up two flights of stairs. Naturally there was no stopping him from getting close to them and helping them take it up. Then just last week our neighbour showed up with a bottle of wine for us! It just so happens to be a Riesling from the region in Germany where we spent a week back in 2014. Love those memories! 

I leave you with this paragraph from "Becoming", the Michelle Obama book I'm reading. I read it and it 100% reminded me of the Chickalettas. <3

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