Tuesday 5 May 2020

Kids Say

If I wrote down ALL the hilarious things Dom says I'd be posting one of these every day. However, here are some of our funny moments the last couple months that I actually remembered to document! (I'm excited that Emilia is going to start joining the Kids Say posts soon! She talks lots, but it's broken English for now still :)

Early in the COVID days, I'm watching one of the USA Donald Trump addresses on TV.
D: Oh! That guy looks like Jabba the Hutt! He has funny eyes!

Looking at a bright star out his bedroom window.
D: Mommy, who made the star?
Me: God made the star!
D: And who put it there?
Me: God put it in the sky
D: Did he use a ladder?

He has started with the imagination and made us pretend to be different people. Dom was Aunty Ashleigh, I was Emilia, and Emilia was Uncle Scott. 
Me: Dom, how did we all change into different people?!
D: Well my fridge changed you!

Emilia wanted me to put on her painting smock, then asked for the Darth Vader helmet. I couldn't help but think it looked like she was providing alternative PPE for our frontline workers.

Emilia dropped a bit of cloud dough on the table. 
E: Uh oh. Accident!
D: Oh. She had a big accident. Like a big elephant!

D: Look a cloth!
Me: Ya cool.

D: Is this a dukjie? (Dutch for wash cloth)
Me: Ya it is.
D: Oh sorry. I called it a cloth by accident.

The nightly 7pm cowbells are ringing.
D: Why are the bells ringing? On cows? Are the cows running away?

Dom finds a plastic bungee cord
D: Oh let me just get my hooker out of here!

Dom found my sermon notes on the couch and grabbed them. He then "read" them to Emilia, and word for word...
D: So Emilia, let's see what this says... Henry, Sam and Katrina all went to Hawaii. First they forgot to get in the airplane, so then they had to walk to Hawaii.

Driving and Dom's tummy growls.
D: My tummy is talking!

Looking through my cook book.
D: Daddy, what's this?
Dave: Lasagna
D: It's Aunty Sonya?!

Good Friday service speaker: ...Jesus, king of the crowns...
D: He he. He almost said king of the castle!

Dom pooped on the potty during quiet time. I go upstairs to help him out.
D: Mommy, I pooped! It's a snake poop!
Me: A snake poop?!
D: Ya, a snake poop! But it doesn't move...
Me: Okay... Why a snake poop?
D: Because I love snakes!

After flushing said poop down the toilet.
D: Where does poop and pee go?
Me: Where do you think?
D: To the poop and pee store.

Me: Oh there's something stuck in the garburator. I'll have to ask Daddy to fix that!
D: Or maybe we can ask Steve (our friend who installed our dishwasher). He gots smart eyes... He knows what he's doing. 

D: I'm going to draw something beautiful for God to make him happy. God will love it.

Dom walks up to me hiking up his pants.
D: Mommy look! Look and see how darling I am!

Dom eats a bite of pizza.
D: Mommy, is this pizza in my esophagus? 
(We have this awesome book from Costco and he's actually learned so much from it already. About sewage system, digestive system, circulatory system... Super cool!)

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